Hi All,
I have a weird problem. I am a beginner with ant, I am trying to run a program which contains the following code sample.

System.setProperty("catalina.home", mTomcatHome);
System.setProperty("catalina.base", mTomcatHome);
String[] serverArgs = {"-config","conf" + File.separator + "server.xml" 
Catalina server = new Catalina();

using the following ant script

<target name="tomcat" description="Deploy the application and run tomcat">
        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
        <javac srcdir="./util" destdir="." includeAntRuntime="no" 
              fork="yes" memoryMaximumSize="${jvm.maxmemory}" 
               <path refid="tomcat.libs"/>
        <java classname="util.TomcatBooter" fork="yes">
             <arg value="${catalina.home}"/>
               <path refid="tomcat.libs"/>

Although on running this target the tomcat starts, tomcat is not rendering the pages and puts out an Exception that says java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet. Although I have included all the jars available from tomcat including jasper-compiler.jar (which contains JspServlet).
I have tried it out with a shell script and it works just fine.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks and Regards,

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