--- Bala Paranj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am using the following ant section to generate the
> manifest file so that I can run the program
> by using the generated jar file. 
>       <target name="compress" description="Compression
> target" depends="compile">
>               <jar destfile="${output}/MyClient.jar"
> basedir="${output}">
>                       <include name="**/*.*" />
>                       <manifest file="${output}/MANIFEST.MF">
>                               <attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}"
> />
>                               <attribute name="Built-On"
> value="${timestamp.isoformat}" />
>                               <attribute name="Main-Class"
> value="com.swing.client.MainFrame" />
>                               <attribute name="Build" value="${build.number}"
> />
>                               <attribute name="Date" value="${TODAY}" />
>                       </manifest>
>               </jar>
>       </target>
> I am getting the following error message when I run
> the ant script.
> C:\Java\AntBuildProject\ Class
> org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Manifest doesn't
> support the "file"
> attribute.
> How can I fix this? TIA.

According to the manual:

"The manifest nested element allows the manifest for
the Jar file to be provided inline in the build file
rather than in an external file. This element is
identical to the manifest task, but the file and mode
attributes must be omitted."


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