Sorry if I posted it second time, but I am still looking for a better way to 
solve the problem. 

I am working on a project that has 10 different java packages, and these java 
packages have no dependence on each other. 
To compile these packages, I may create 10 targets in the build.xml and compile 
them one after another, which I think it's a waste. 

Or, I may put these packages in a txt file and create one target to compile all 
source code together,  such as: 
<target Compile ... > 
     <javac srcdir="${src.dir}"
        <classpath refid="run.cp"/>

But in that case, if there is one single error in just one java file, the rest 
files will not be compiled!

I am looking for a way that I can do a loop and build these packages one after 
another, even there was an error, the loop continues ? 


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