
I have some problems in testing java classes with Junit 4.1 and Ant 1.7 Beta.

The classes to be tested are Singletons written with AspectJ and Java 1.5. The 
test-classes are pure Junit 4 tests with anotations and without 

If I run the ant script I get the exception: "No runnable methods".
But if I run the ant script with the attribute fork="yes" the junit testcase 
can be executed and I get an "AssertionFailedError".

Can anyone help me finding out, how to start the ant script without VM-forking 
(attribute fork="yes").

Here is the junit task of my ant-script:

<junit printsummary="on" haltonerror="off"  >
        <formatter type="xml" />
         <pathelement path="${classes.dir}" />
                <pathelement path="${test.classes.dir}" />
                <pathelement path="${ant.home}/lib/" />
        <classpath refid="project.classpath" />

        <batchtest fork="no" todir="${test.report.dir}" >
                <fileset dir="${test.source.dir}">
                        <include name="**/*Test*.java" />
                        <exclude name="**/*Mock*.java" />

Here is the test-case:

public class SingletonTest
  public void createSingleton()
    TestMock1 s1 = new TestMock1();
    TestMock1 s2 = new TestMock1();
    assertEquals(s1, s2);
    assertTrue(s1.getInvocationTime() == s2.getInvocationTime());
    TestMock2 s3 = new TestMock2();
    TestMock2 s4 = new TestMock2();
    assertEquals(s3, s4);
    assertTrue(s3.getInvocationTime() == s4.getInvocationTime());
    assertNotSame(s1, s3);

and one mock object representatively for the others:

public class TestMock1
  protected Long invocationTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   * Rückgabe der Instanziierungszeit
   * @return long - Timestamp
  public Long getInvocationTime()
    return invocationTime; 


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