At 04:14 AM 12/21/2006, you wrote:
>Jacob Kjome wrote:
>> Quoting Steve Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>We've just upgraded in SVN_HEAD, BTW.

Excellent!  Thanks :-)

>>> Incidentally, does xerces now depend on this serializer.jar? That is,
>>> does it need to be included in the distro? Or are its classes merged
>>> into xerces and xalan? These are the kind of thing we need to understand
>>> before we ship
>> No, there's no dependency in Xerces.  It's loaded via reflection by
>Xerces.  But
>> they have deprecated their native serializer classes in favor of the
>shared one
>> provided by the Xalan team.  If serializer.jar is in the path, it
>will be used.
>>  If not, the deprecated Xerces native serialization will be used
>(assuming one
>> isn't directly referencing the Xerces native serializer API rather than
>> properly using the interfaces, such as JAXP or DOM3LS).  I'm not clear on
>> whether the same will be true for the next Xalan release (2.7.1, I
>think [1])?
>> They may actually depend directly on serializer.jar (or maybe they'll
>> incorporate it within xalan.jar?). I guess we'll find out when they make the
>> release official.
>> Jake
>> [1]
>OK. So we ought to hold off to see what xalan does. if they build it in,
>it should be the only copy on the classpath to avoid version problems

Makes sense. Just to be clear, are you saying that you would include serializer.jar in Ant's lib directory if Xalan doesn't ship with it included in their jar, but not include serializer.jar in Ant's lib directory if Xalan does include it in their jar, even though Ant doesn't ship Xalan? Hmm... I might alert the Xalan team to this. I suspect this might more than just an Ant-specific concern. I'll report back with any information I find.


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