It worked!!

I used:

> <pathelement path = "  "/>
> instead of
> <pathelement location = " "/> 

and it worked!

I have no idea why it worked (This is my first major reworking of an ant
buildfile that someone other than myself wrote) but it worked!

Thank you very much!

- alasdair

Alasdair Young

Scot P. Floess wrote:
> Oops - my line wrap :(
> Well something else to try, add the path to build-tests as part of the
> path...
> For instance if build-tests exists as /foo/bar/build-test, put
> /foo/bar/build-tests in as a path element...
> Or try using
> <pathelement path = "  "/>
> instead of
> <pathelement location = " "/>
> I think the problem is you need to use the path attribute
> Alasdair Young wrote:
>> Thanks for the fast response!
>> I don't think that's it - ./build-tests should be in there - 3rd from
>> the end.
>> any other ideas perhaps?
>> - alasdair
>> Scot P. Floess wrote:
>>> Looks like you need to put ./build-tests in your path element.
>>> <pathelement
>>> location="./build-tests:.:../java/build:../thirdParty/signedJars/jh.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/jai_codec.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/jcchart.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/jlfgr-1_0.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/ojdbc14.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/scrollabledesktop.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/ftpbean.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/jai_core.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/jdbcpool-0.99.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/log4j-1.2.5.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/pg73jdbc3.jar:../thirdParty/unsignedJars/jmf.jar:../thirdParty/unsignedJars/commons-collections.jar:../thirdParty/unsignedJars/commons-pool-1.1.jar:../thirdParty/unsignedJars/commons-dbcp-1.1.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/jcalendar.jar:${tomcat-dir}/common/lib/servlet-api.jar:${tomcat-dir}/common/lib/jsp-api.jar:../thirdParty/unsignedJars/junit-4.1.jar:./build-tests:../javatest:./build-tests/com/vigilos/apps/setup/TestScheduledtlTableModel.class"
>>> />
>>> Alasdair Young wrote:
>>>> I should also mention that
>>>> ./build-tests/com/vigilos/apps/setup/TestScheduledtlTableModel.class
>>>> exists and is the class I wish to run.
>>>> Hmm... could it be an issue with not looking in the right directory?
>>>> - alasdair
>>>> Alasdair Young wrote:
>>>>> Hi!
>>>>> I'm trying to set up some automated builds for the first time here
>>>>> and
>>>>> I'm using a legacy ant build script that I've been hacking away at to
>>>>> get junit working.
>>>>> I am running ant 1.7, Junit 4.1 and java 1.5 on fedora core 5.
>>>>> When I try to get junit to run my tests via ant, I get the following:
>>>>>> test:
>>>>>>     [junit] Testsuite:
>>>>>> com.vigilos.apps.setup.TestScheduledtlTableModel
>>>>>>     [junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Time elapsed: 0
>>>>>> sec
>>>>>>     [junit] Null Test:  Caused an ERROR
>>>>>>     [junit] com.vigilos.apps.setup.TestScheduledtlTableModel
>>>>>>     [junit] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
>>>>>> com.vigilos.apps.setup.TestScheduledtlTableModel
>>>>>>     [junit]     at
>>>>>>     [junit]     at
>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>     [junit]     at
>>>>>>     [junit]     at
>>>>>> java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>>>>>     [junit]     at
>>>>>> java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>>>>>     [junit]     at
>>>>>> java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>>>>>     [junit]     at
>>>>>> java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
>>>>>>     [junit]     at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
>>>>>>     [junit]     at java.lang.Class.forName(
>>>>>> /home/ayoung/vigilos/subversion/trunk/java/build.xml:42: Test
>>>>>> com.vigilos.apps.setup.TestScheduledtlTableModel failed
>>>>> relevant parts of build.xml:
>>>>>>     <property name="test.dir"         location="../javatest"/>
>>>>>>     <property name="build.test.dir"   location="build-tests"/>
>>>>>>     <path id="project.classpath">
>>>>>>         <pathelement
>>>>>> location=".:../java/build:../thirdParty/signedJars/jh.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/jai_codec.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/jcchart.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/jlfgr-1_0.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/ojdbc14.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/scrollabledesktop.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/ftpbean.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/jai_core.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/jdbcpool-0.99.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/log4j-1.2.5.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/pg73jdbc3.jar:../thirdParty/unsignedJars/jmf.jar:../thirdParty/unsignedJars/commons-collections.jar:../thirdParty/unsignedJars/commons-pool-1.1.jar:../thirdParty/unsignedJars/commons-dbcp-1.1.jar:../thirdParty/signedJars/jcalendar.jar:${tomcat-dir}/common/lib/servlet-api.jar:${tomcat-dir}/common/lib/jsp-api.jar:../thirdParty/unsignedJars/junit-4.1.jar:./build-tests:../javatest:./build-tests/com/vigilos/apps/setup/TestScheduledtlTableModel.class"
>>>>>> />
>>>>>>     </path>
>>>>>>     <target name="test">
>>>>>>         <junit haltonfailure="true" fork="yes">
>>>>>>         <classpath refid="project.classpath" />
>>>>>>         <formatter type="brief" usefile="false" />
>>>>>>         <batchtest>
>>>>>>             <fileset dir="${build.test.dir}"
>>>>>>                      includes="**/*.class" />
>>>>>>         </batchtest>
>>>>>>     </junit>
>>>>>>     </target>
>>>>> NOTES:
>>>>> I have junit-4.1.jar in my $ANT_HOME/lib
>>>>> The project.classpath is a mess - several items at the end were
>>>>> tacked
>>>>> on as I tried different things.
>>>>> I read the FAQ entry
>>>>> ( and several
>>>>> blogs that also described the issue - I am not able to make any of
>>>>> these
>>>>> resources useful to me. Either they don't apply or my lack of
>>>>> understanding is getting in the way.
>>>>> (Specifically: "Ant doesn't load the external library directly, it is
>>>>> the loaded class that does so. In the case of |<junit>| it is the
>>>>> task
>>>>> implementation itself." doesn't make a lot of sense to me.)
>>>>> So... any ideas?
>>>>> I tried running ant with -debug turned on and didn't notice anything
>>>>> obvious. I think my next step is to take that horrible mess of a
>>>>> project.classpath and turn it into a collection of seperate
>>>>> <pathelement> tags and then find out if any of these can't be
>>>>> found but
>>>>> I would welcome any help that anyone can give me.
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> - alasdair
>>>>> Alasdair Young
>>>>> Vigilos Inc.
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