Last two commands should be
cleartool endview -server build-view
cleartool rmview -force -tag build-view

- Alexey.

Alexey N. Solofnenko wrote:
Something like that:

cleartool mkview -tag build-view \\%COMPUTERNAME%\ccshare$\build-view.vws
cleartool mount -all
cd z:\build-view\SOME-VOB
cleartool setcs c:\path\toconfigspec
call ant build-target
set RC=%errorlevel%
cd %~dp0
cleartool endview build-view
cleartool rmview -force build-view
exit /b %RC%

- Alexey.
mmanir wrote:

Can any one please give me some ideas how to create clearcase dynamic view for build and after the build this view will get deleted. This way I will have a clean build. This view is tranparent to the user and only will get created when invoke the ant build script. I was trying to put everything like creating this view, seting config spec,
set the view in the ant script.

I would really apreciate any suggestions.


Alexey N. Solofnenko <>
Pleasant Hill, CA (GMT-8 usually)

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