possibly taskdef org/apache/tools/ant/util/FileUtils.java

call normalize method e.g.
clean_path=FileUtils.normalize(String path) on path to clean it
then set clean linted path to property

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> Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 20:29:53 +0200
> From: michael.stuttg...@gmx.de
> To: user@ant.apache.org
> Subject: converting slashes in attributes of script tasks in macrodefs
> I have the following problem with ant 1.7.1 on windows
> example where the first / of property2 ist first converted 
> plattformspecifc to \ because ${basedir} is used and then dropped inside 
> the javascript.
> How can I avoid this, that i have the original value inside the script?
> Output:
>       [echo] demo1=c:/download/sub1
>       [echo] demo2=c:\download/sub2
>       [echo] demo1=c:/download/sub1
>       [echo] demo2=c:download/sub2
> Examplescript:
> <project name="MyProject" default="demo" basedir="c:/download">
> <target name="demo">
> <property name="p1" value="c:/download/sub1"/>
> <property name="p2" value="${basedir}/sub2"/>
> <testatt demo1="${p1}" demo2="${p2}"/>
> </target>
>      <macrodef name="testatt">
>          <attribute name="demo1" default="default" />
>          <attribute name="demo2" default="default" />         
>          <sequential>
>               <echo>dem...@{demo1}</echo>
>               <echo>dem...@{demo2}</echo>
>               <script language="javascript">
>                       <![CDATA[
>                       a1="@{demo1}";
>                       a2="@{demo2}";
>                   echo = project.createTask("echo");
>               echo.setMessage("demo1="+a1);
>               echo.perform();
>                       echo.setMessage("demo2="+a2);
>                   echo.perform();
>                   ]]> </script>
>          </sequential>
>      </macrodef>
>    </project>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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