I'm evaluating moving to Ivy 2.2.0 from 2.0.0 for our builds.  I've noticed one 
of our integration tests on Windows started failing at 2.2.0.  It's finding a 
module in the cache now when it didn't before.  I've included the pseudo code 
below.  Note we do some special processing of the module we're actually 
building so we want to know if it exists in the repository before we actually 
build it:).

pseudo code for building project A:
   clean repository
   findrevision module A
      if found
         resolve module A
      build module A
      publish module A
      resolve module A

The pseudo code above runs twice in an AntUnit test.  The first run passes but 
the second run fails; the findrevision gets a hit in the cache (found) so it 
tries to resolve the module but that fails since repository is has been cleaned.
My first inclination is that the test needs to clean the cache between runs.  
But then again I started thinking how does Ivy validate the cache?  Shouldn't 
findrevision know the module isn't valid anymore in the cache similar to the 
resolve?  It appears to work this way in 2.0.0.

Perhaps a bug got fixed in the cache management?

What's the best way to know if your cache has expired if the repository has 
been cleaned?

Anyway thanks for any help in resolving this (no pun intended :)).

James L. Poli
SAS Institute Inc.
Sas Campus Drive (R4251)
Cary, NC 27513
Email:  james.p...@sas.com
Phone: 919-531-6066
SAS...  The Power to Know

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