Sorry to post this ins this forum. But I'm having hard time signing on to
PAX mailing list. And looks like some of the folks who are involved in PAX
are also involved in this mailing list anyway.

When I try running PAX runner (pax-run) I'm getting the following error. Any
help will be appreciated!

Pax Runner (1.5.0) from OPS4J - http://www.ops4j.org

 -> Using config [classpath:META-INF/runner.properties]
 -> Using only arguments from command line
 -> Preparing framework [Felix 3.0.2]
 -> Downloading bundles...
 -> Felix 3.0.2 : 11750 bytes @ [ 734kBps ]
 -> Apache Felix Gogo Command (0.6.0) : 45416 bytes @ [ 45416kBps ]
 -> Apache Felix Gogo Runtime (0.6.0) : 61278 bytes @ [ 61278kBps ]
 -> Apache Felix Gogo Shell (0.6.0) : connecting...
        /  /
       /  / Oops, there has been a problem!
      /  /
     /__/   URL [mvn:org.apache.felix/org.apache.felix.gogo.shell/0.6.0]
could n
ot be resolved.
   /__/     Use --log=debug to see details.

It looks like the gogo.shell is missing. Is there any configuration file I
can update to fix this?

Any help will be appreciated.


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