This was in addition to changing your datasource blueprint to:

 <service id="xaDataSource" ref="stagingXADataSource"
      <entry key="" value="jpa/jtaStagingDb" />

wasn't it?


Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2012 00:02:21 +1030
Subject: Re: Aries eclipselink.adapter

    ... my progress so far :


      With this line in the persistence.xml



      Yet, the result is still as before: all the participating
      transactions apart from the offending one got commited.


      My only choice is to MsSql, and the problem might be with the

      Of course, I might try to build the test case with other database
      to verify this. 


      As for the latest suggestions to tweak the config.ini ... This one
      is  generated (Eclipse default option: generate with default
      content) and

      doesn't bother to specify the org.osgi.framework.system.packages

      I definitely not going to create that listing manually - it's


      At this very moment I tend to point finger to MsSql ...





      On 20/10/2012 10:43 PM, Timothy Ward wrote:



        Have you set up your system packages to prevent people getting
        wired to the split package in the JDK?


        If you look at


        You can see that the org.osgi.framework.system.packages property
        sets a mandatory partial=true parameter on javax.transaction and






        Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2012 21:37:05 +1030



        Subject: Re: Aries eclipselink.adapter


        I tried the option 2) - I
          recollect tried it some time before.

          And now it also doesn't work - problem with MsSql driver


          Caused by: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation
          in interface itable initialization: when resolving method

          the class loader (instance of
          org/eclipse/osgi/internal/baseadaptor/DefaultClassLoader) of
          the current class,
          net/sourceforge/jtds/jdbcx/JtdsXAConnection, and the class
          loader (instance of <bootloader>) for interface
          javax/sql/XAConnection have different Class objects for the
          type javax/transaction/xa/XAResource used in the signature



              at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native


          So, the ball on the MsSql driver side? The bad news is that I
          am not aware of any other driver, and that one worked
          perfectly well with Spring framework JTA declarative support
          in non-OSGi environment.


          What do you think?


          On 20/10/2012 9:25 PM, Timothy Ward wrote:

          I'm glad I could help!


            I'll check with Manning about the discount code, I wasn't
            aware that it had an expiry date.






            Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2012 21:08:05 +1030



            Subject: Re: Aries eclipselink.adapter


            Hi, Timothy.


              Thank you, your message arrived very handy just when I am
              wasting my Saturday night (UTC +9.30) in another attempt
              to make JTA work.

              For a more than a couple of week I put it on the back
              burner, while doing other tasks.

              I will look at your suggestions and also will purchase the
              book - thanks for the generous offer. I had only green
              paper and the source code so far.

              So, I may want to ask for an autograph from the author :).


              My OSGi crash course is lasting couple of month by now, so
              I had only chance to digest (albeit still suffering
              heartburn :) ) "OSGi in Action".

              Though I realized at rather early stage that I have to
              deal with OSGi enterprise as far as JPA/JTA container
              support concerned.


              Kind regards,



              PS "The coupon code you have entered has expired" I
                received this message when applied the code.



              On 20/10/2012 8:25 PM, Timothy Ward wrote:


                I'm afraid I haven't had time to do a full review, but
                from the log I see that your datasource services are
                both being registered by blueprint using the DataSource


                Unless you're enlisting the JTA datasource with
                transactions yourself then this looks like the source of
                the problem. If you want the Aries runtime to do the
                enlistment then you need to register the datasource as
                an XADataSource. 


                There are then two options:

                1.  You can let the transaction wrappers bundle do the
                enlistment and add (xa=true) to your JTA-data-source
                jndi name


                2. You can let the JPA container do the enlistment by
                changing the JTA-data-source jndi name to use
                XADataSource as the interface. This will only work for
                Aries JPA 1.0 and higher.


                If you are after more information about setting up OSGi
                applications with JPA then there's a whole chapter about
                it in Enterprise OSGi in Action, along with chapters
                about tools, testing, web applications and remoting. You
                can get it at
                and get 37% off using the code eosgi37. 


                I hope this helps you get set up ok.






                Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 01:55:59 +1030



                Subject: Re: Aries eclipselink.adapter


                Thank you, Timothy.


                  I use the current release 1.0.0 of aries



                  I have attached the blueprint context files -
                  blueprint seems to be the only way at the moment to
                  use declarative, AOP style,  transactions support.


                  And the test class invoked in blueprint-test.xml


                  blueprint-datasource.xml -- blueprint context of the
                  database bundle

                  blueprint-employee.xml - blueprint of employee bundle

                  blueprint-test - blueprint of the integration test
                  routines bundle


                  persistence-jta.xml - the JPA/JTA persistence unit


                  I must confess, that I don't know what is
                  auto-enlisting datasource.





                  PS I also attached the log of the test with the
                  deliberately induced sql error. The rollback is
                  announced, but all the insert statements, except for
                  the offending one, still get committed, including the
                  cascade insertions.

                  So, no actual rollback is performed.


                  On 12/10/2012 9:40 PM, Timothy Ward wrote:

                  Hi Anatoly,


                    I'd be interested in seeing the configuration for
                    the transactions that failed to roll back, and in
                    knowing what version of Aries JPA you were using. If
                    you don't give the JPA container an auto-enlisting
                    datasource then you can end up with
                    non-transactional behaviour.


                    This is why we have the transaction-wrappers bundle.




                    > Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 09:46:39 +1030

                    > From:

                    > To:

                    > Subject: Re: Aries eclipselink.adapter


                    > Yeah, that's what I did a month ago:



                    > --- pom.xml (revision 1388340)

                    > +++ pom.xml (working copy)

                    > @@ -81,7 +81,10 @@

                    > <dependency>

                    > <groupId>org.apache.aries</groupId>


                    > + <version>1.0.0</version>

                    > +<!--

                    > <version>0.4</version>

                    > +-->

                    > <scope>provided</scope>

                    > </dependency>

                    > </dependencies>


                    > Still, the transactions don't work as expected
                    neither with eclipselink 

                    > nor with openjpa.

                    > For instance, if two methods participate in the
                    transaction (the same of 

                    > tx id testified that that was the case),

                    > and the second fails, then the first one still
                    got committed.

                    > The message was that transaction is nominated
                    to rollback, but then 

                    > Rollback exception followed.


                    > I send the message some time ago to the user
                    list asking if anyone knows 

                    > why the eclipse link adapter has never been
                    included into the release.

                    > And what the actual status of it.

                    > Anyway, as far as my experience go the the
                    aries container failed for me 

                    > on transactional support.



                    > On 11/10/2012 8:51 PM, Christian Eugster wrote:

                    > > Hi,

                    > >

                    > > I managed this by changing the version
                    range of aries.util in the pom.

                    > >

                    > > But now I have another problem. After
                    packaging I tried to run an 

                    > > example in the osgi-container. I get a

                    > > saying Unable to validate xml: Caused by
                    SAXParseException saying: 

                    > > cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element 'blueprint'
                    cannot have character 

                    > > [children], because the type's content is

                    > >

                    > > My blueprint looks like following:

                    > >

                    > > <?xml version="1.0"

                    > > <blueprint 

                    > > 

                    > > xmlns:jpa="";>

                    > > >

                    > > <bean

                    > > id="testDAOBean"

                    > > class="ch.persistence.TestDAOImpl"

                    > > >

                    > > <tx:transaction method="*"

                    > > <jpa:context property="em"

                    > > </bean>

                    > > </blueprint>

                    > >

                    > > as I see, there are no character children.
                    But what am I doing wrong?

                    > >

                    > > Thank you for help!

                    > >

                    > >

                    > >



                    > -- 

                    > Anatoly Osiko

                    > Software Engineer, Integration

                    > SolveIT Software Pty Ltd


                    > Adelaide | Brisbane | Chisinau | Melbourne |


                    > D: +61 8 7071 4918

                    > T: +61 8 8221 5533

                    > M: +61 4 1980 0386

                    > F: +61 8 8221 5677


                    > SolveIT Software Building

                    > Level 1, 99 Frome Street,

                    > Adelaide, SA 5000







Anatoly Osiko
Software Engineer, Integration
SolveIT Software Pty Ltd

Adelaide | Brisbane | Chisinau | Melbourne | Perth 

D: +61 8 7071 4918
T: +61 8 8221 5533
M: +61 4 1980 0386
F: +61 8 8221 5677

SolveIT Software Building
Level 1, 99 Frome Street,
Adelaide, SA 5000 



Anatoly Osiko
Software Engineer, Integration
SolveIT Software Pty Ltd

Adelaide | Brisbane | Chisinau | Melbourne | Perth 

D: +61 8 7071 4918
T: +61 8 8221 5533
M: +61 4 1980 0386
F: +61 8 8221 5677

SolveIT Software Building
Level 1, 99 Frome Street,
Adelaide, SA 5000 



Anatoly Osiko
Software Engineer, Integration
SolveIT Software Pty Ltd

Adelaide | Brisbane | Chisinau | Melbourne | Perth 

D: +61 8 7071 4918
T: +61 8 8221 5533
M: +61 4 1980 0386
F: +61 8 8221 5677

SolveIT Software Building
Level 1, 99 Frome Street,
Adelaide, SA 5000 



Anatoly Osiko
Software Engineer, Integration
SolveIT Software Pty Ltd

Adelaide | Brisbane | Chisinau | Melbourne | Perth 

D: +61 8 7071 4918
T: +61 8 8221 5533
M: +61 4 1980 0386
F: +61 8 8221 5677

SolveIT Software Building
Level 1, 99 Frome Street,
Adelaide, SA 5000 



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