Does SimpleBean have a public no-arg constructor?    If not, can you add one?


On Jan 16, 2013, at 3:55 AM, "Zweifel, Daniel" <> wrote:

> This is a copy of my post to the Fuse ESB forum 
> (, because 
> it's an Aries problem.
> Hi all
> I have discovered a problem with ref arguments in Fuse 7.1.0 (Aries 1.0).
> With Fuse 7.0.0 (Aries 0.3) this was working:
> <bean id="factoryBean" class="ch.suisa.common.BeanFactory"/>
> <bean id="simpleBean" class="ch.suisa.common.SimpleBean">
>    <tx:transaction method="*" value="Required" />
> </bean>
> <bean id="extBean" factory-ref="factoryBean" factory-method="createBean">
>    <argument ref="simpleBean"/>
> </bean>
> Now I get an exception when starting the bundle:
> org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.ComponentDefinitionException: Unable to 
> find a matching factory method createBean on class 
> ch.suisa.common.BeanFactory for arguments 
> org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BeanRecipe$UnwrapperedBeanHolder@10867a57
>  when instanciating bean extBean
> The problem seems to be the tx:transaction decoration on simpleBean. When I 
> leave this away, I can start the bundle.
> Is this a bug or intended behaviour?
> Daniel

Daniel Kulp -
Talend Community Coder -

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