Hi Brad,

I second Christian. I think that leveraging OSGi services is very interesting to build non-monolithic microservices (largely better than big monolithic approach).

As Christian said, karaf-boot should help a lot there as it will:

1. Simplify the way of building application thanks to annotation
2. Create distribution as single jar, profile, dockerfile, docker image, etc. It's the "run everywhere" paradign. Right now, you have first to install Karaf and then deploy your application in Karaf. With karaf-boot, you focus on your business code, and karaf-boot deals with the rest (up to the distribution).


On 04/17/2016 06:15 PM, Brad Johnson wrote:
I think you hit it with your observation about why even use that
MicroWebServer component.  Different requirements on different addresses
and customizations.  Also the bundle itself can come and go and have its
web services deploy and undeploy without having to define server
endpoints in the bundle itself.  If my EchoService bundle is installed
and there isn't MicroWebServer installed it simply installs as another
OSGi bundle whose local service interface might be used by other
bundles.  But it isn't itself defining any CXF server information that
may or may not be wanted at deployment time.  It separates the two
concerns a bit.

I'm not in the rush or on the bandwagon to adopt Docker but one does
have to be prepared.  The one thing I'd like about having a NoOSGi
version of blueprint is not having to jump between different XML
bootstrap mechanics - Spring or Guice then back to Blueprint.  Certainly
Spring is close enough to Blueprint that the syntax is easy enough but
now one has different mechanics all the way from XML up through builds.
Not a huge deal but if I can make small applications with Blueprint that
just eases life a little.  I'm in an environment right now where Fuse is
the central focal point so the OSGi, Camel, Blueprint are not going away
anytime soon. But I'm also getting where other departments want us to
develop and deploy small self-contained services for them.  As you point
out, even a minimal karaf/servicemix implementation can be big for
that.  I also have the irritant of dealing with licensing issues because
of the corporate environment.  I can't just plop minimal installs of
Fuse in different divisions because of licensing.  I say it's irritating
only because that means I have to fish for technical solutions that
aren't addressing a technical or business issue but a legal one.

But initially it will be for testing as being able to set up stub
services for code to call out to will be quite handy.

On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 10:42 AM, Christian Schneider
<ch...@die-schneider.net <mailto:ch...@die-schneider.net>> wrote:

    I think the main feature of the MicroWebServer approach you show is
    that you can define multiple endpoints for the same impl. This is
    indeed a niche that Aries RSA does not fill and does not try to
    fill. So it might be a good case for people to use it.

    About blueprint without OSGi.. I think it is great for testing but
    if your application really is not OSGi based I would not bother with
    it and just use spring or another non OSGi dependency injection.

    Microservices and docker are indeed very popular at the moment.
    Still I think it makes sense to use OSGi. On the other hand it would
    also be overkill to use a full blown karaf server for it as you will
    only host one application per process.

    We are currently working on karaf boot which attempts to support
    this style very well. It will support a mainly annotation based
    developement model like spring boot. On the packaging side you can
    use the static karaf profile to package your application using karaf
    features into a fixed set of bundles at build time. So at runtime
    you still have karaf but without the feature service so the runtime
    is simpler and nicely suited to host one single application.


    2016-04-17 17:14 GMT+02:00 Brad Johnson
    <brad.john...@mediadriver.com <mailto:brad.john...@mediadriver.com>>:

        I took a look at RSA and DOSGi again.  I'd forgotten the RSA
        acronym so didn't recognize that I had looked at it before.  My
        conclusion is very similar to your own.  They are orthogonal
        concerns with a small amount of overlap..  I think what would
        make the determination of which one to use, for me, would be a
        very explicit context.  Obviously what I made isn't really about
        remote management or distributed architecture.  It is more
        tactical than that and related to specific bundles.  So if
        someone were to ask me about a solution for a server farm the
        MicroWebservice would NOT be on the candidate list. The
        MicroWebservice does use the OSGi whiteboard to listen for the
        MicroWebservice registration events. Because it always uses the
        same OSGi registration service interface 1 .. N MicroWebservers
        can listen for the same events with their list-listeners and you
        could filter on service properties.  I forget the LDAP filtering
        syntax off the top of my head.

        I just got tired of having to set up and re-set up so many
        different blueprint configurations fro different endpoints.  And
        if you try to centralize that in something like gateway bundle
        now you have an issue that when the provider bundle is
        undeployed the web service is still hanging out there in space
        disconnected.  With this mechanic if you undeploy your bundle
        all the standard Aries blueprint mechanics trigger the removal
        of the web services associated with a given bundle.  But all of
        that relies on your Aries OSGi mechanisms with blueprint to
        function.  It can't exist without it.  That's part of why I
        thought of mentioning it here first as it might actually fill a
        niche need for Aries or Aries users.  If folks here got
        interested in it then maybe you'd adopt it some day.  Who
        knows.  But at least I'd get more eyes and thoughts and
        solidification to it as well.  And if folks don't find it fits
        any need for them, then I won't waste a lot of time on it either.

        For better or worse microservices are the fashion today.  As a
        consultant I don't get to make the call and don't even bother
        fighting the trends or fads unless they make specifically bad
        fits for specific situations.

        It's sort of like the library you have that I was looking at a
        little last night that bootstraps blueprint files without OSGi.
        That is simply another way of doing something that Spring,
        Guice, etc do it but it doesn't make OSGi or Spring obsolete.
        But it is nice to have in the toolbox.  I've been using
        blueprint for the past 4 years or so and being able to use a
        modified form of it for wiring up and booting little
        applications is nice.  I don't have to switch to a different
        dialect like Spring (although I used to use that heavily in the
        olden days).  So the MicroWebservices is just another way to use
        the standard CXF, Blueprint and OSGi mechanism to ease the pain
        of web service set up and configuration.

        As I get more, uhm, mature it is fun to watch how new fads come
        into being.  Docker and Kubernettes are the rage and I certainly
        understand the underlying technologies.  But how often do you
        see folks just grabbing hold of them because they are the
        latest, coolest thing?  I like Docker conceptually but working
        in karaf/blueprint/OSGi I'm not sure I have that many instances
        in my enterprise applications where I'd have a great need for
        them.  On the other hand, if I have a client insistent on them
        then seeing a tool like your blueprint without OSGi becomes far
        more interesting.

        On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 7:01 AM, Christian Schneider
        <ch...@die-schneider.net <mailto:ch...@die-schneider.net>> wrote:

            Thanks for the explanations. I think I now understand better.

            In effect it does a similar thing but with a different
            focus. Aries RSA and the CXF provider focus on the
            whiteboard pattern to kind of transparently export/import a
            service. Both do not have strong out of the box support for
            managing and centralizing configurations. It can be done but
            it less prepared than in your framework.
            This is an example of how to export a rest service:

            Your framework is more similar to the CXF blueprint
            namespace as you have to explicitly export a REST or SOAP
            service using blueprint. It focuses on the configuration
            aspect by managing a system wide and per service
            configuration. Something l really like there is the do a lot
            of the config system wide this is something I would like to
            add for Aries RSA too.

            I really like the whiteboard approach of RSA as it allows to
            have no or minimal dependencies from the user code to the
            framework. So maybe you are interested in combining the
            capabilities of both.
            RSA now has a custom service provider interface
            ExportPolicy. This is a hook where you can do system wide
            configuration and also things like auto exporting services
            based on annotations.

            I think you can achieve the same level of manageability in
            RSA as with your framework but it is not there already. If
            you are interested in helping out there I can help you to
            get into the code.


            On 17.04.2016 01:08, Brad Johnson wrote:
            I'll have to look at the Aries RSA as I'm not as aware of
            it.  It doesn't appear to be similar to DOSGi from my
            experience with it.  I'll take a look at them again
            tomorrow. Like so many things in our OSGi, ServiceMix,
            Camel world there are about 10 different ways to do
            everything.  Some are better than others and most are
            better in certain circumstances.  This design is in
            reaction to consulting on a job that involves a company
            which is integrating multiple smaller companies that it
            owns and they all have a little different security,
            different ports, different web service requirements but
            are commonly going to be talking to the same Fuse instance
            in many (but not all) cases.

             This uses the OSGi mechanics for registration only and it
            doesn't require that the the interface itself be an OSGi
            service.  Here is a listener on a blueprint file for the
            MicroWebserviceManager.  I'm not filtering on any service
            property but but I certainly could.  The manager has a
            configuration associated with it for standard
            interceptors, etc.

            <reference-list id="microserviceListener"
            <reference-listener bind-method="register"
            <ref component-id="microserviceManager" />

            The simple Echo bundle I have in there has this in its

            <argument value="org.enjekt.osgi.api.echo.EchoService" />
            <argument ref="impl" />
            <property name="restRelativeURI" value="/resources/echo" />
            <property name="soapRelativeURI" value="/services/echo" />


            That MicroWebServiceRegistration inherits from the same
            class that the .MicroWebserviceManager uses for
            configuration.  When this simple Echo bundle starts it
            registers as a MicroWebService and the manager picks it up
            and combines the configuration found in both.  As you can
            see registration isn't specifying the host/port
            information so the one used by the MicroWebserviceManager
            will be used.  However, if I did specify a different
            host/port in the bundle's properties that would be used
            instead.  The manager itself never actually creates the
            server/endpoints.  It instantiates a container that it
            keeps in a map and that container instantiates the
            server/endpoints based on the combined information.

            Obviously if I uninstall the Echo bundle this particular
            MicroWebservice is unregistered, the manager is notified
            and it tells the container to shut down the endpoint.
            Those hard coded properties for restRelativeURI and
            soapRelativeURI would normally be part of the blueprint
            properties and so settable at runtime triggering a
            reload.  That in turn triggers the manager to tear down
            the old endpoint and start up a new one. Since the
            MicroWebserviceRegistration can accept the same sort of
            interceptors and providers that the manager uses I've used
            that as a way to register error/exceptionhandlers as well
            and in one case to override the JSON provider
            configuration.  One department wanted badgerfish and
            another wanted the root stripped and unwrapped.  Just
            specifying those differently in the sending bundle I could
            override the defaults.  If I wanted to I could also use
            different registrations to expose the same service on
            different relativeURIs or ports with different
            configuration information.  Here's an example of a service
            adding in an exception handler.

                            <property name="addProvider">

            If that's added to the manager's configuration then all
            endpoints that register with it get that exception
            handler. If it is registered with the bundle's
            MicroWebserviceRegistration then that only applies to it.
            In this case it is in an internal package but gets
            provided via the web service.  The
            MicroWebserviceRegistration also provides a UUID so when
            it the bundle is uninstalled and the manager gets notified
            of the fact it knows which container to pull from its
            registry and shut down.

            Just looking at that EchoService if I have three different
            divisions with different security and REST/SOAP
            requirements I can have three managers running via a
            simple blueprint set up of their service managers with
            service property filters for company A, company B, company
            C and when I register the EchoService I can specify
            different relative URIs but let each of the managers
            determine how the interface is actually going to be exposed.

            It works very well.  In practice I have most of the
            properties relevant to the bundle's requirements exposed
            in the cfg files making changes simple.

            I'll take a look at RSA tomorrow and see how it works.


            On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 1:42 PM, Christian Schneider
            <mailto:ch...@die-schneider.net>> wrote:

                Hi Brad,

                from what I understood it allows to expose OSGi
                services as SOAP and REST endpoints. This sounds very
                similar to Aries RSA and CXF DOSGi. Can you explain
                what it does differently?


                2016-04-16 17:39 GMT+02:00 Brad Johnson


                    I've started a project that may or may not be of
                    interest to the community.  I've been finding it
                    of great benefit in my current projects where I
                    combine it with Camel for certain items.  One
                    change I plan on making as soon as I can get to it
                    is to change the BOM from importing Fuse
                    dependencies to Servicemix.  That should be
                    relatively simple but I'm working with it in Fuse
                    currently so it hasn't been a high priority.

                    Any feedback is appreciated.


                Christian Schneider

                Open Source Architect

            Christian Schneider

            Open Source Architect

    Christian Schneider

    Open Source Architect

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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