so I've solved the problem, if anybody has this issue in future what I did was added some missing bundles

 * Geronimo Connector
 * Aries Transaction-jdbc
 * javax.resource

Then I've configured the datasource as XADatasource so that XA Transactions are used instead.

After doing all that, everything works fine as expected


On 25/08/2016 11:57 AM, Pablo Gómez Pérez wrote:

Hi Charlie

yes I've tried setting the flushmode to 'COMMIT' in that case calling a dao.find(..) within the transaction does not fire a flush and hence if there is any exception or problem during the transaction nothing will be flushed to the DB. However, you might gate stale objects during the transaction e.g if you did an update over a property and then you query this object you just updated to the db it will come with the old data. An additional side effect of the flushmode in 'COMMIT' it could be that in very loong transaction a stack overflow might occurr as everything is kept in memory

According to what I had understood, the fact of flushing data to the database does not imply a commit and hence a full rollback should be possible as the transaction commit is supposed to happen only at the very end of the transaction. But in my case, somehow -may be something I don't manage to spot that is missconfigured...- even at the time when the jta transaction is not yet committed, it seems like the db transaction it is -after a flush- and that's the reason I suppose that I can see the data from MySQL Workbench and also the reason that the rollback seems to have no effect at all. And there are so many layers here that I can't see where the problem might be.. perhaps aries jta/jpa, perhaps geronimo (the transaction manager that aries uses as far as I understand) may be the jpa provider that I'm using -hibernate 4.3.11- or may be something wrong with the jdbc connection config

I will try to do a very very simple db application using aries/hibernate/mysql with the minimum running bundles to see whether I still have this issue so that I can ensure that I do not have any other potential problem like a conflicting bundle or something. Although I hope not because everything seems to be up and running and with no exceptions at all.



On 25/08/2016 11:11 AM, Charlie Mordant wrote:
Hi Pablo,

What about removing the flush/flushmode? I'm not a JPA expert, but calling flush will definitely put the data in the db, and flushmode='auto' will call it at every find:


2016-08-24 17:15 GMT+02:00 Pablo Gómez Pérez < <>>:

    Hi all,

             I need again from your help, I'm facing the following issue,

    Having a method annotated as transactional that samples data to
    the database and assuming that we start with an Empty database

        @Transactional(value = TxType.REQUIRED, rollbackOn = {
    Exception.class })
        public void sample() {



                   //here a find so that we make the provider to do a
    flush to the DB as the flushmode is configured as AUTO


                    //Now if I open the MySQLWorkbench I can see the
    persisted/updated data even though the transaction it is not yet

                    //Do more operations


                   //We throw an exception to force a rollback

                   throw new RuntimeException("I want a rollback! :)")


    Where DAO methods are of course annotated with @Transactional
    alike the Sampler with REQUIRED and rollbackOn Exception.class.
    And Of course the <tx:enable/>  it is configured too in the DAO

    As you can assume in the DAO there is the em injected as
    specified in the docu:

        @PersistenceContext(unitName = "managed-jpa")
        private EntityManager entityManager;

    Using MySQL InnoDB as follows

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <blueprint default-activation="eager"

        <bean id="dataSource"
            <property name="URL"
            <property name="user" value="root" />
            <property name="password" value="" />

        <service interface="javax.sql.DataSource" ref="dataSource">
                <entry key="
    <>" value="jdbc/myds" />


    And.. persistence unit

    <persistence version="2.0"
        <persistence-unit name="managed-jpa" transaction-type="JTA">
                <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class"
    value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />
                <property name="hibernate.dialect"
    value="org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect" />
                <property name=""
    value="create-drop" />
                <property name="hibernate.archive.autodetection"
    value="class" />
                <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true" />
                <property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="false" />
                <property name="org.hibernate.flushMode" value="AUTO"/>

    Considering that I do have transactional annotations activated:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <blueprint xmlns="
        <jpa:enable />

    Additionally, lets assume that we have a Synchronization
    registered to the transaction so that afterCompletion and
    BeforeeCompletion are  called.

    So now my problem:

                        The transaction in before and after
    completion has status 4 -rollback- as expected because of the
    exception I'm throwing in the sampler, however there is no real
    rollback as I can still see the data in the database -eg. using
    again the MySQL Workbench- perhaps during the transaction the DB
    transaction was commited when the flush was performed due to the
    call to 'find' in the sampler. Actually for me it looks that
    somehow there is an autocommit when flush...

    I was expecting that the fact of calling find during the
    transaction -fires a flush- which does happen so that the find
    returns data considering what already did happen during the
    transaction. However, I wasn't expecting to see this data already
    in the MySQLWorkbench as that is a different transaction. But
    more importantly I was expecting the database to be empty at the
    end of the transaction due to the provoked rollback

    These are the jpa jta bundles I have

       ID|State      |Level|Name
       25|Active     |    2|Apache Aries JPA blueprint (2.4.0)|2.4.0
       38|Active     |    2|Apache Aries JPA Container API (2.4.0)|2.4.0
       40|Active     |    2|Apache Aries JPA container (2.4.0)|2.4.0
       50|Active     |    2|Apache Aries JPA support (2.4.0)|2.4.0
    g! lb transaction
       ID|State      |Level|Name
       23|Active     |    2|Apache Aries Transaction Blueprint
       68|Active     |    4|javax.transaction API (1.2.0)|1.2.0
      104|Active     |    2|Apache Aries Transaction Manager
      138|Active     |    2|Apache Aries Transaction Blueprint

    I have running blueprint 1.1.1 and 2.1.0 but as noted in the
    blueprint above, I'm using namespace 2.0 so the jpa blueprint
    1.1.1 is not really needed but anyway I have it running for
    testing purposes

    Any hint about what I'm doing wrong?

    Thank you!



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Charlie Mordant

Full OSGI/EE stack made with Karaf:

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