In the old code the DS xml was manually created. The wiki is still at that level. In the new code the user only uses annotations and the maven bundle plugin does the xml creation.


On 07.09.2016 17:06, Brad Johnson wrote:

I see the SCR using XML in there but the annotations and SCR annotation processor Maven plugin will automatically create that won't it. I'm so used to using blueprint that it all feels a bit lopsided.

On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 9:52 AM, Brad Johnson < <>> wrote:

    That looks a lot like what I'm looking for.  Then I could set up a
    server bundle to do the repetitious stuff and have it export a
    service like SoapServer that takes a SoapInstallEvent and inside
that I could send the interface, implementation and URI. Obviously the URI could be settable in cfg or properties file. Then when the bundle is being uninstalled it could send a
    SoapUninstallEvent.  So the SoapServer OSGi service would only
    take those two events. Obviously I could set up the same thing for
    REST service.

    In that blueprint project I did that's pretty much how I handled
    it and it worked fine but I never knew about what the transport
    was really doing (Jetty, HTTP server, etc.)  I don't like rolling
    my own code like that when it's far better letting the guys who
    know the libraries set it up.


    On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 9:16 AM, Brad Johnson
    <>> wrote:

        I'll give it a look. That sounds like a move in the right
        direction.  In the short term I'll just set up the CXF
        server/endpoints with blueprint and use the camel recipient
        list to route them to the correct bundle.  That doesn't work
        well for microservices.  It probably would be OK for cxfrs
        since it can take lists of interfaces to expose and those
        could be read from an external configuration file.  To move a
        service in or out one would just modify the etc cfg file to
        add or remove the service interface and install or uninstall
        the bundle.  But I don't think that the CXF soap server can
        take lists like that as far as I know.

        The CDI annotations added in to pax-cdi for using OSGi
        services right from a bundle using only CDI and not a
        combination of CDI/DS is a very big deal I think.  That's
        going t be a real winner for a couple of reasons.  First it
has fewer dependencies and annotations one must get right. Second it will aid folks from other platforms who know how to
        use CDI but are not as familiar with OSGi or DS. So making the
        move from any platform to the Camel, pax-cdi platform is going
        to be much smoother.


        On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 1:34 AM, Christian Schneider
        < <>> wrote:

            For CXF in DS or CDI you should try CXF DOSGi. I am
            currently woking on a new major version that is slimmer
            and should allow almost all CXF settings you can also do
            in blueprint.
            The idea is to publish the settings as OSGi services
            marked as intents. The new CXF DOSGi examples are all
            using DS and one example shows the setup of https with
            client cert authentication which was not possible before
            without blueprint.


            2016-09-07 0:19 GMT+02:00 Brad Johnson

                I'll definitely get my Nexus instance pointed at that
                repo and pull it down.  One of the biggest problems
                I'm going to have in the near term is that the
                blueprint CXF allows for set up of everything to run
                on Jetty fairly easily but to do the same thing on
straight Java I end up having to roll that myself. Perhaps an SCR/CDI library using the pax-cdi is in the
                works once it has been released.  I'll probably look
                at the Camel src code for CXF to see how they do it
                internally with blueprint and attempt to duplicate it.

                One of the frustrations I was having trying to do the
                CDI/SCR was that I have it working perfectly well in
                one project but couldn't get it to work correctly in
                the second project.  I'm trying to make this so my
                bundles can be microservices that when installed are
                picked up by the CXF Rest and/or SOAP service and
                register themselves and when they are undeployed
                automatically unregister. That's important in
                environments where you might find out that one of the
                bundles is getting hammered by traffic on occasion and
                that brings the whole bunch to a crawl.  But if you
                can just uninstall it and move it to a duplicate
                karaf/felix installation on another machine/VM and
                have it auto deploy itself it makes that a snap.

                I did something with blueprint that was that way
                though I confess some of the configurability was a bit
                overkill.  Still, one bundle might require badgerfish,
                as I had in a recent installation, while others did
                not. Simply registering the bundle and having the
                SOAP/REST server pick it up made that easy to
                configure.  A bit of bundles as microservices.  The
                only way I can think of reasonably doing this now with
                just annotated classes is if I could inject the
                blueprint create servers into my classes but I'm not
                sure what they'd even look like in that context.  What
                I ended up with is creating my own JaxRSFactory and
                the equivalent with SOAP and starting them up. Of
                course that meant they were running on the internal
                HTTP server and not on something more suited to an
                enterprise environment.


                On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 1:57 PM, Guillaume Nodet
                < <>> wrote:

                    You need to use the 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT version
                    available from the following maven repository:
                    I've just uploaded a new version to make sure it's
                    up to date.

                    2016-09-06 20:50 GMT+02:00 Brad Johnson

                        Is there a newer or extension bundle than:

                        I don't see these annotations in there an
                        Eclipse can't find them.

                        On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 11:09 AM, Guillaume
                        Nodet <
                        <>> wrote:

                            The new annotations are

                            Those annotations are different from the
                            SCR or DS annotations, so you clearly do
                            not need the felix scr annotations bundle.


                            2016-09-06 17:51 GMT+02:00 Brad Johnson


                                I have been using the new CDI along
                                with Camel 2.17.3 and it sounds as if
                                I don't need the SCR at all then?   So
                                I'd be able to remove the felix scr
                                annotations dependency? The last
                                element in the list which I've italicized.


                                On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 10:47 AM, Brad
                                Johnson <


                                    Thanks for the info regarding the
@OsgiServe/@OsgiServiceProvider. Perhaps that's where I go the idea
                                    that one needed to specify start
                                    up order on bundles. In some
                                    recent test projects I have been
                                    using the Felix SCR but most of
                                    the testing has been using the
                                    CamelCDI runner as it is very
                                    fast. That obviously creates some
                                    problems with having to double
                                    annotate some items for Inject vs
                                    Reference and so on and the fact
                                    that CDI isn't going to respect
                                    bundle boundaries inside the
                                    test.  But that isn't a huge
                                    problem because in the context of
                                    testing it isn't like I have 300
                                    bundles running.  It's just a few
                                    application bundles and their

                                    It does mean I'll have to get
                                    ready to deal with some errors
                                    when moving from the IDE
                                    environment over to the
                                    Karaf/felix environment but for
                                    development/testing speed it
                                    definitely seems worth it.

                                    I'm so used to using
                                    CamelBlueprintTestSupport and
                                    blueprint.xml that all of this
                                    still feels a bit left handed --
                                    "If I were doing this in
                                    blueprint, this what I'd do...."

                                    On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 6:38 AM,
                                    Guillaume Nodet <
                                    <>> wrote:

                                        I don't really recommend using
                                        the @OsgiService /
                                        @OsgiServiceProvider of Pax-CDI.
                                        The main reason is that if the
                                        bundles are not started in the
                                        correct order, the bean
                                        validation will simply fail
                                        and your CDI app won't be
                                        created at all.
                                        I'd really recommend to look
                                        at the new annotations of
                                        Pax-CDI which haven't been
                                        released yet (in
                                        1.0.0-SNAPSHOT). They are very
                                        similar to the DS semantics
                                        (and they actually use part of
                                        Felix SCR implementation as
                                        the core engine).  The
                                        lifecycle of the CDI beans is
                                        similar to those of DS, so the
                                        dependency mechanism is really
                                        straightforward from a user
                                        point of view.


                                        2016-09-02 19:46 GMT+02:00
                                        Brad Johnson


                                            For the past few weeks
                                            I've been working with the
                                            Camel 2.17 CDI and it's
                                            marvelous. I've been using
                                            blueprint for a few years
                                            now and I won't be going
                                            back to twiddling XML
                                            unless I have to (I'm not
                                            sure how to set up CXF
                                            server without it right
                                            now).  But the CDI test
                                            runner is fast and a snap
                                            to use. The annotation
                                            automated wire up and
                                            RouteBuilder automatic
                                            running is just like you'd
                                            think ought to be.

                                            The pax-cdi implementation
                                            actually creates blueprint
                                            proxies for annotations
                                            like @OSGiServiceProvider
                                            and will inject it where
                                            you specify the service
                                            consumer. The only caveat
                                            to the CDI test runner is
                                            that it is not OSGi based
                                            but uses Weld.  So you
                                            have to be careful about
                                            what you test but I can
                                            live with that. Truly
                                            stunning when one sees a
                                            technology that works
                                            almost like magic - like
                                            you'd dream it should work.

                                            On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at
                                            12:04 PM, Matt Sicker

                                                On 2 September 2016 at
                                                11:30, Timothy Ward

                                                    As things stand
                                                    blueprint is most
                                                    widely used for
                                                    working with
                                                    Camel. From what I
                                                    can tell
                                                    configuring Camel
                                                    is horrible, and
                                                    my understanding
                                                    is that the main
                                                    advantage of
                                                    blueprint is that
                                                    there is a huge
                                                    amount of
                                                    ready-built Camel
                                                    available. If
                                                    Camel had a nicer,
                                                    container agnostic
                                                    mechanism then I
                                                    would see little
                                                    reason to choose
                                                    blueprint over DS.

                                                This right here is
                                                exactly how I feel. If
                                                there was a well
                                                supported way of
                                                simply using DS
                                                instead of Blueprint
                                                with Camel, then I'd
                                                drop Blueprint in a
                                                single sprint and
                                                never look back.

-- ------------------------
                                        Guillaume Nodet
                                        Red Hat, Open Source Integration


-- ------------------------
                            Guillaume Nodet
                            Red Hat, Open Source Integration


-- ------------------------
                    Guillaume Nodet
                    Red Hat, Open Source Integration

                    Email: <>
                    Web: <>

-- -- Christian Schneider

            Open Source Architect

Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect

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