Well once I realized that I had the Camel @Produce instead of @Produces I
was over one hurdle.  I'm still not seeing my route start up nor my factory
getting called so that's an issue.  But it doesn't crash and burn on start
up anyway.  There is hope.

On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 4:27 PM, Brad Johnson <brad.john...@mediadriver.com>

> There may not be a simple way to do this in a pure Java way with CDI and
> Camel Java DSL routes.  But I've been able to get my application running in
> the karaf 4.0.6 with just CDI with one exception.
> Thanks in advance for any comments, questions or criticisms.
> Brad
> Here's a very simple blueprint example:
> <cxf:cxfEndpoint id="myEndpoint" address="/myendpointaddress/"
> serviceClass="org.foo.ServiceAPI" />
> <camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint";>
> <route id="cxf">
> <!-- route starts from the cxf webservice in POJO mode -->
> <from uri="cxf:bean:myEndpoint" />
> <recipientList>
> <simple>direct-vm:${header.operationName}</simple>
> </recipientList>
> </route>
> </camelContext>
> I'm going to lash up some tests for what I have below but the web services
> tests take a bit of time and I thought I'd just run it by folks to see if
> this looks at least plausible.
> The first thing is an annotation for setting values on a CXFEndpoint. Then
> the producer and finally the route builder.
> public @interface CXFEndpointConfig {
> Class serviceClazz();
> String address();
> }
> Then a producer that gets such an injectionpoint and looks for that config.
> @Singleton
> public class EndpointFactory {
> @Produce
> public CxfEndpoint getCxfEndpoint(InjectionPoint injectEndpoint) {
> CXFEndpointConfig endpointConfig = injectEndpoint.getAnnotated().
> getAnnotation(CXFEndpointConfig.class);
> CxfEndpoint endpoint = null;
> if (endpointConfig != null) {
> endpoint = new CxfEndpoint();
> endpoint.setServiceClass(endpointConfig.serviceClazz());
> endpoint.getInInterceptors().add(new LoggingInInterceptor());
> endpoint.getOutInterceptors().add(new LoggingOutInterceptor());
> endpoint.setAddress(endpointConfig.address());
> }
> return endpoint;
> }
> }
> //I'm not explicitly setting the service name in the endpoint though I
> could add another property on the annotation for that.  But the API service
> class has a WebService with name of "whiteVaultService" and the variable in
> the route builder also has that name.  I believe the latter is what the
> cxf:bean:xxxx is looking for in any case.
> As I said I'll set this up and run some SOAP UI tests against it soon but
> wanted to make sure I wasn't being all wrong headed about this.
> @Inject
> @CXFEndpointConfig(address = "/whitevault/", serviceClazz =
> org.enjekt.panda.commons.api.WhiteVaultAPI.class)
> CxfEndpoint whiteVaultService;
> @Override
>     public void configure() {
>         // you can configure the route rule with Java DSL here
>         from("cxf:bean:whiteVaultService")
>         .recipientList("direct-vm:${header.operationName}");
> }

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