A "global" injection point means:
  * the container will not start until  the dependency is satisfied
  * the container will be destroyed if the dependency is not satisfied
By default, dependencies on OSGi services are "local", i.e. the injected
bean lifecycle is tied to the dependency being satisfied or not, and that
cascades to other beans (so that inside the same container, if A is
injected with B and B is injected with an OSGi service C, if C goes away, B
and A will be destroyed ; that's not really supported by DS btw because DS
can only inject osgi services, not DS components into another DS
component), but it does not affect the cdi application as a whole.
So that's not postponing anything.
It's merely a side-effect of the fact that handling dynamics require a
custom CDI scope, and there may be use cases where you want to use a
standard scope.  In those cases, you can use a global dependency, because
the bean lifecycle does not have to be managed specifically (the whole
container lifecycle is managed instead).

2016-11-23 22:27 GMT+01:00 David Jencks <david_jen...@yahoo.com>:

> Hi Guillaume,
> I don’t completely understand what you mean by local/global…. and my
> knowledge of CDI is much less than either your or Ray’s knowledge.
> Lets consider a request-scoped CDI bean A into which we’ve injected a
> service from a DS component B which has a mandatory reference to service C.
> If we start to unregister C, B’s deactivate method will be called.  If A
> was a DS component, with a mandatory reference to B, first A’s deactivate
> method would be called.  But iA is a CDI bean.
> Should deactivate on B be postponed until A goes out of scope (the request
> completes)?  This would be somewhat similar to, if A was  DS component,
> having a read-write lock where all the service methods get a read lock and
> the DS lifecycle methods get the write lock.
> Is this related to what you mean by local/global?
> hoping for more concrete details…
> thanks
> david jencks
> On Nov 23, 2016, at 12:10 PM, Guillaume Nodet <gno...@apache.org> wrote:
> 2016-11-23 19:48 GMT+01:00 Raymond Auge <raymond.a...@liferay.com>:
>> So let's purely focus on scopes then. Because as far as I've observed, in
>> my limited CDI experience, is that there are really only two scopes in CDI,
>> technically:
>> - singleton
>> - not-singleton or rather "limited by some boundary"
> I'd say those are the same.  The singleton scope is just one scope which
> uses boundaries equals to the container lifecycle.
>> Take any CDI scope and you can fit it in one of those two buckets:
>> ApplicationScoped
>> ConversationScoped
>> RequestScoped
>> SessionScoped
>> Dependent
>> Singleton
>> etc.
>> Enter any custom scope and they should pretty much fall into one of those
>> two buckets.
> Yes, they all define a boundary.
>> The instance either lives from the beginning of the application 'til the
>> end OR some "Context" logic instantiates an instance at some point in time,
>> and later releases it. Perhaps multiple threads create their own instance,
>> perhaps the instance lives during the life of a transaction, etc. The
>> business logic around the actual lifetime is irrelevant, but the
>> instantiation and reclamation is important.
>> The one difference in scopes that exists in OSGi but not in CDI is "osgi
>> bundle scope" vs "osgi singleton scope". However this difference only
>> relates to what CDI can emit or consume from OSGi as services. Internally
>> it would have no meaning because the CDI container is fundamentally scoped
>> to the bundle (at least in terms of the RFC requirements... which I think
>> are sound in this case) and so it need not concern itself to distinguish
>> between a singleton scoped service and a bundle scoped service (but it can
>> certainly force the requirement either way if it really wishes but
>> internally to CDI it makes no difference).
>> In fact, the bean wrapper we place around OSGi services is really the
>> guardian of how the implementation creates and destroys instances based on
>> the context of the CDI scope.
>> However, the OSGi service layer very nicely abstracts this for us in a
>> clever way for which we don't necessarily need to concern ourselves over
>> the context, and lifetime (or boundary) of the scope.
>> If we simply always assume and use of the OSGi prototype API, then we
>> transparently satisfy any boundaries implemented by the CDI scope because
>> the osgi prototype API transparently supports services which are any of
>> singleton, bundle or prototype scope.
>> So with a single bean implementation around all osgi services we safely
>> support pretty much any CDI scope.
> What do you mean by "supporting any CDI scope" ?  You mean exposing beans
> with any CDI scope in the OSGi registry ?
> I'm not sure I understand what that would mean exporting a @RequestScoped
> bean as an OSGi service.
>> The problem then becomes having a mechanism to enforce that a given scope
>> really only allows binding prototype scoped osgi services, but I think this
>> is not a real issue. It sounds reasonable that people would not redefine a
>> singleton, or application scope, and in that respect we could simply assume
>> that if the scope is not explicitly declared as:
>> Singleton
>> ApplicationScoped
>> BundleScoped (osgi cdi spec)
>> SingletonScoped (osgi cdi spec?? not really sure we need to redefine this)
>> that we automatically assume they should require prototype scoped
>> services in order to satisfy the fact that the scope needs to create and
>> destroy instances at it's own leisure.
>> 😕😲🙄 Hopefully that made some kind of sense!!!
> I'm not sure that we have to think about exposing OSGi services the way
> you do.  I don't see the use case for choosing any CDI bean from an
> existing application and exposing is over OSGi.  Services are usually well
> defined interfaces so there is a decision to expose a service in the OSGi
> registry.  So I'm fine with using custom annotations if needed.
> Also, I'm not sure what you describe accomodates with the exposed bean
> lifecycle having to be tied to its dependencies as I advocate.
> So basically I'm fine with the 3 scopes defined in the RFC when exposing
> beans OSGi services:
>   * BundleScoped
>   * PrototypeScoped
>   * SingletonScoped
> We could do some mapping with existing CDI scopes if needed.
> But my main concern is certainly not that one.
> My concern is about the lifecycle when you inject services from the OSGi
> registry into a CDI bean, not exporting services.
>  As I indicated in my first email, my concern is about handling OSGi
> dynamics, not exporting OSGi services which is the easy part, and not about
> CDI extensions, which I fully agree we need to support.
> What I'd like is a real injection framework that we can point OSGi users
> to.
> Blueprint has some deficiencies ; the service damping mechanism is a pain
> to deal with and also a pain to work around.
> DS is very good at handling OSGi dynamics : it supports a great range of
> use cases and the defaults makes users life easy.  The problem with DS is
> that it's limited to wiring OSGi services together, it's not pluggable, and
> can't do anything else.
> If I'm understanding things right:
>   * if you inject an OSGI service into a bean, the while container
> lifecycle will be tied to the availability of that bean
>   * if you use an optional dependency, a null proxy is injected
> That's basically the only 2 scenarios supported by the RFC for injecting
> services.
> My proposal supports:
>   * mandatory / optional
>   * greedy / reluctant
>   * static / dynamic
>   * local / global
> Those should not deviate from the fact that a bean will never change
> during it's lifecycle.  The way to implement that is to make the bean
> lifecycle boundary defined by the availability of its dependencies.    It
> means beans injected with OSGi services have to be in a custom CDI scope so
> that its lifecycle can be managed.  So whenever the dependencies of a CDI
> bean injected with OSGi services change in a way that the bean needs to be
> re-injected, we destroy the bean correctly and re-create it with the new
> dependencies.  IT supports the mandatory / optional and greedy / reluctant
> DS semantics.
> We also have the use case where you have a bean, but you don't want the
> lifecycle to be modified and you want a proxy to be injected to use service
> damping.  It's not the default, but it can be supported.  That's the static
> / dynamic semantic.
> There are some use cases where you don't want to change the scope.  For
> those use cases, the injection point needs to be flagged properly so that
> the whole container lifecycle will be tied to the dependencies. That's the
> local / global semantic which does not exist in DS.
> On the other side, i.e. exposing a service, there is:
>   * bundle / service / prototype service scope
>   * immediate / delayed
> A bunch of other things that should be supported:
>   * injecting configuration using annotations as in DS (configuration can
> be mandatory / optional, greedy / reluctant) : an annotation defines the
> injected config with optional default values, as specified in DS 112.8.2
>   * injecting Instance<X> for mutiple cardinality injection
>   * filtering using generic filters or attributes (attributes can be used
> also when exposing services and can hide
> So yes, I need a custom scope to support the above use cases.  But that
> makes things actually useful for OSGi developers imho, and not only simple
> use cases for EE developers porting applications to OSGi.  Supporting all
> well known DS semantics ensures a complete usability for all known OSGi use
> cases.  I think if we go this way, we can end up with something really
> useful for both OSGi beginners and more seasoned OSGi developers.
> Guillaume
>> - Ray
>> On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 12:48 PM, Guillaume Nodet <gno...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>>> 2016-11-23 18:40 GMT+01:00 Raymond Auge <raymond.a...@liferay.com>:
>>>> On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 12:34 PM, Guillaume Nodet <gno...@apache.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> 2016-11-23 18:22 GMT+01:00 Raymond Auge <raymond.a...@liferay.com>:
>>>>>> Actually, we have a perfect solution in OSGi for the scenario of
>>>>>> intermittent scopes like web requests, session scope, etc. That is
>>>>>> prototype scope! This is already suggested by the requirements and works
>>>>>> very well with the scoped bean concept. You need a Provider for those 
>>>>>> beans
>>>>>> and an OSGi prototype scope service is the perfect provider including
>>>>>> reclamation and destruction.
>>>>>> Finally, we do want to support existing CDI extensions because that's
>>>>>> where a lot of the value is (JSF, JPA, JMS, etc.) and we don't want to
>>>>>> change their understanding of the lifecycle of CDI beans otherwise they
>>>>>> will break and people won't like it and lose faith that it's useful.
>>>>>> My fear is to over-dynamic-fication of things which are not
>>>>>> inherently dynamic and fail to produce something useful.
>>>>>> The point here is that people can still assemble modular apps using
>>>>>> peer bundles containing extensions, beans, osgi services in as complex or
>>>>>> simple a constellation as they need and everything needs very little
>>>>>> change; that adding and removing bundles from this constellation will
>>>>>> behave as expected in a dynamic environment. In fact existing things 
>>>>>> should
>>>>>> largely work with only slight metadata changes including; extensions and
>>>>>> support for OSGi services in existing code work without any code changes.
>>>>>> Lastly, CDI is fundamentally the same as spring in that when the
>>>>>> "container" is declared to be done... it's done! It's like you've exited
>>>>>> the constructor of an object. It's effectively a static singleton and 
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> behaviour is expected by pretty much everything that uses it. Invariants
>>>>>> introduced after the fact such as trying to shoehorn dynamicity on
>>>>>> individual beans I believe will simply break peoples understanding and 
>>>>>> will
>>>>>> cause OSGi's impl to diverge too far away from future CDI work, which I
>>>>>> feel is WAY too important to risk since CDI is being introduced on other
>>>>>> non-Java EE specifications and will soon touch the JRE.
>>>>> Are you basically taking @RequestScoped and @SessionScoped out of the
>>>>> CDI spec ? Or implying those scopes do not work well with JPA, JMS, JSF
>>>>> etc... ?
>>>>> Or is there something I'm not understanding in CDI ?
>>>> Hmm, I'm not sure how that got inferred by what I said. What I said was
>>>> literally:
>>>> >Actually, we have a perfect solution in OSGi for the scenario of
>>>> intermittent scopes like web requests, session scope, etc. That is
>>>> prototype scope! This is already suggested by the requirements and works
>>>> very well with the scoped bean concept.
>>> And you're ruling out the existence of other scopes or that the spec
>>> supports custom scopes.  The prototype scope is the default scope, it does
>>> not mean it's the only one. @RequestScope and @SessionScope do handle
>>> dynamics very well : the beans are not created until a request or session
>>> exist and is destroyed when the request / session is destroyed : if that's
>>> not dynamic, I'm not sure what it is.
>>> That's what I'm proposing : having the ability to use a custom scope to
>>> support more OSGi dynamics.
>>> My solution has both a global lifecycle suited to porting JEE
>>> applications (where the whole container lifecycle is tied to the global set
>>> of dependencies) and one custom scope that can handle specific bean
>>> lifecycles, so that OSGi users can benefit from a correct support of OSGi
>>> dynamism as in DS.
>>>> Furthermore, JPA, JMS, JSF should be implementable as extensions as
>>>> they pretty much are in CDI already and why CDI can be used without any of
>>>> those features available. The use of those features in your applications
>>>> however infer the requirement on an extension capability providing them
>>>> which should be available so your application can function.
>>> I don't see how having extensions is related to scopes and lifecycle.
>>> Supporting extensions is a must-have in CDI.  What you implied is that
>>> because you want to support extensions, we can't use custom scopes.  I
>>> think I was the one to suggest using generic capabilities to support
>>> extension in the RFC years ago.
>>> And to answer your other email, I do not pretend to have a really good
>>> knowledge of CDI (really, I don't). I may be missing things in using custom
>>> scopes, but I'd like to understand what exactly, if any.
>>>> Does that make sense?
>>>> - Ray
>>>>>> But this is just my opinion,
>>>>>> - Ray
>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Christian Schneider <chris@die-
>>>>>> schneider.net> wrote:
>>>>>>> I think it would be great if Guillaume and Ray could work on the
>>>>>>> impl together. Ray could then feed the experiences back into the RFC.
>>>>>>> In any case I would support having Ray as an aries committer.
>>>>>>> Christian
>>>>>>> On 23.11.2016 17:30, David Bosschaert wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Guillaume,
>>>>>>>> My understanding is that the technical design of the RFC will be
>>>>>>>> significantly changed to better support the OSGi dynamics - hopefully 
>>>>>>>> we'll
>>>>>>>> see an update soon at https://github.com/osgi/
>>>>>>>> design/tree/master/rfcs/rfc0193
>>>>>>>> If I understand things correctly then Ray's CDI implementation will
>>>>>>>> support the improved design.
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Christian Schneider
>>>>>>> http://www.liquid-reality.de
>>>>>>> Open Source Architect
>>>>>>> http://www.talend.com
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Raymond Augé* <http://www.liferay.com/web/raymond.auge/profile>
>>>>>>  (@rotty3000)
>>>>>> Senior Software Architect *Liferay, Inc.* <http://www.liferay.com/>
>>>>>>  (@Liferay)
>>>>>> Board Member & EEG Co-Chair, OSGi Alliance <http://osgi.org/>
>>>>>> (@OSGiAlliance)
>>>>> --
>>>>> ------------------------
>>>>> Guillaume Nodet
>>>>> ------------------------
>>>>> Red Hat, Open Source Integration
>>>>> Email: gno...@redhat.com
>>>>> Web: http://fusesource.com
>>>>> Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/
>>>> --
>>>> *Raymond Augé* <http://www.liferay.com/web/raymond.auge/profile>
>>>>  (@rotty3000)
>>>> Senior Software Architect *Liferay, Inc.* <http://www.liferay.com/>
>>>>  (@Liferay)
>>>> Board Member & EEG Co-Chair, OSGi Alliance <http://osgi.org/>
>>>> (@OSGiAlliance)
>>> --
>>> ------------------------
>>> Guillaume Nodet
>>> ------------------------
>>> Red Hat, Open Source Integration
>>> Email: gno...@redhat.com
>>> Web: http://fusesource.com
>>> Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/
>> --
>> *Raymond Augé* <http://www.liferay.com/web/raymond.auge/profile>
>>  (@rotty3000)
>> Senior Software Architect *Liferay, Inc.* <http://www.liferay.com/>
>>  (@Liferay)
>> Board Member & EEG Co-Chair, OSGi Alliance <http://osgi.org/>
>> (@OSGiAlliance)
> --
> ------------------------
> Guillaume Nodet
> ------------------------
> Red Hat, Open Source Integration
> Email: gno...@redhat.com
> Web: http://fusesource.com
> Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/

Guillaume Nodet
Red Hat, Open Source Integration

Email: gno...@redhat.com
Web: http://fusesource.com
Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/

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