
I am seeing a strange (wildly confusing) service registration when using the 
Aries JPA Container with Equinox. Not sure where the problem is, so I figured I 
start here.

When the DataSource and the PersistenceProvider are available the container 
registers the EntityMangerFactory* services. However, the 
EntityManagerFactoryBuilder Service shows up as being registered by the 
container bundle while the EntityMangerFactory Services shows up as being 
registered by the bundle that provides the persistence unit.

g! b 53
org.apache.aries.jpa.container_2.3.0 [53]
  Id=53, Status=ACTIVE      Data Root=...
  "Registered Services"
service.id=119, service.bundleid=53, service.scope=singleton}
  Services in use:

g! b 111
com.my.model_4.1.0.SNAPSHOT_20170104-2222 [111]
  Id=111, Status=ACTIVE      Data 
  "Registered Services"
service.id=125, service.bundleid=111, service.scope=singleton}
  No services in use.

This is with equinox 3.10.2.v20150203-1939, J8.

BTW, I see the same thing happening with the mysql and the pax-jdbc-config 
bundles. The DataSourceFactory service shows as being registered by the mysql 
bundle, while it is actually registered by the config bundle.

What am I missing here? Is this a feature, a bug, or is my brain not flexible 
enough to comprehend this? 



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