I'm using scr:list from org.apache.felix.scr and tried it on both felix and equinox. no karaf involved.

See bellow, it returned only the component from the bundle outside the subsystem.

 BundleId Component Name Default State
    Component Id State      PIDs (Factory PID)
[ 13] com.c8tech.hawkeyes.kernel.internal.bootstrap.ComponentCommandKernelBootstrap enabled
    [   0] [active      ]
 [  21]   org.eclipse.equinox.event  enabled
[ 1] [active ]

On 16/05/2017 14:17, David Jencks wrote:
My recollection is that the scr:list command from ds did show components from 
all regions. Are you  using the ds command or the karaf one?

David Jencks
Sent from my iPhone

On May 16, 2017, at 9:49 AM, Cristiano Gavião <cvgav...@gmail.com> wrote:


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