
Thank you for your help. You were correct. I had installed the 
aries-rsa-discovery-zookeeper-server bundle on both instances. I then removed 
the server bundle but still saw instances being created. I even deleted the 
config file, but I did that while servicemix was stopped so the configuration 
was still in place when I restarted. I deleted the entire servicemix data 
directory and started over again, this time not installing the 
aries-rsa-discovery-zookeeper-server bundle. It worked exactly as I hoped. All 
instances are connecting to a zookeeper server that I am running externally. 
This is exactly what I wanted.

From: Jonathan knez <>
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 12:45 PM
Subject: Use Existing Zookeeper Instance for RSA / Multiple RSA Instances Per 

I am successfully using Aries RSA to provide an OSGi service on one host and 
consume it on other hosts. I am impressed at how well it works. Thanks to the 
Aries team for doing all the hard work.

No on to my question. I want to run my own zookeeper server externally and have 
RSA connect to it. I do not want RSA to try to start its own zookeeper server. 
I also want to run multiple OSGi containers (ServiceMix in this case) with RSA 
loaded on a single machine.

This webpage describes how to configure RSA zookeeper discovery.

I have successfully updated the “org.apache.aries.rsa.discovery.zookeeper” file 
to point to my existing server. RSA successfully connects to it and life is 
good. It looks like RSA still tries to create its own zookeeper server however. 
How do I prevent that behavior? I have tried leaving the 
org.apache.aries.rsa.discovery.zookeeper.server empty and also deleting the 
file entirely. In both cases, I still see stuff listening on 2181 (default zk 
client port).

My second question is how can I successfully run two servicemix instances with 
RSA on a single host? When I attempt this, the first instances starts fine and 
connects to zookeeper without issue. The second instance fails to even attempt 
to connect to zookeeper. If I shutdown the first instance and only star the 
second, the second connects without issue. I assume some port numbers need to 
change to avoid conflicts between the two servicemix instances. Any thoughts on 
what configs needs to change?

My ultimate need is to for a team of developers to be able to share a single 
machine with each developer running at least 2 instances of servicemix to test 
their stuff without affecting any of the other developers. That is why I want 
each developer to be responsible for running their own zookeeper server at some 
unique address, then telling unique RSA instances where to find their zookeeper 
instance. If there is a different way to achieve what I am after, I would 
welcome the feedback. Thanks.

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