Hi Jérémie,

Spring DM is deprecated for long. The actual solution would be
aries-blueprint or plain DS.
On the TX aspect, OSGI and tx is also a tricky part: I would recommend
aries-txcontrol, which looks to be the up to date technology for the need.

Good luck in your migration!

Le mer. 12 juil. 2017 à 21:49, Jérémie Brébec <jeremie.bre...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Hello,
> I am studying the upgrade of a legacy application using Spring DM, and for
> this, I am interested in the Aries Blueprint Spring component. However, I
> didn't find any documentation on this function..
> - Is this component "Production Ready" ?
> - Does it support namespaces like spring-tx (@Transactional) or spring-mvc
> ?
> - Does it support the interface BundleContextAware ? If not, what is the
> preferred way to replace this api ?
> Regards,
> Jérémie

Charlie Mordant

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