How do you setup the data source? You need to provide a DataSource that
wraps a XADataSource and does auto enlistment. Do you use pax-jdbc for this?


Am Mo., 22. Juli 2019 um 15:52 Uhr schrieb Niehues, Christian <>:

> Hello,
> I have deployed an application in my Karaf 4.1.5 using JMS, Camel,
> Hibernate, Aries Transaction Manager and PAX JDBC Pool.
> Everything works fine except when I process parallel requests where I
> sometimes get a SQLException from dbcp class ManagedConnection reporting 
> "Connection
> can not be used while enlisted in another transaction" and the request
> fails.
> After some analyses I came to the assumption that it is maybe related to
> the fact that Hibernate doesn't support a ConnectionProvider for dbcp.
> So I switch the connection pool to c3p0 which is supported by Hibernate.
> But here I face another problem just for a single request: some DB
> operations get executed before the transaction commits so I am also unable
> to rollback everything on exception. It seems that all flushes initiated by
> Hibernate directly go into the DB.
> So I assume that anything with the transaction
> synchronisation/coordination is wrong. The transactional context is defined
> by a @Transactional annotation. From debugging I can see that the
> AriesPlatformTransactionManager and the C3p0PooledDatasourceFactory is
> involved. Do you have any hint what could cause this problem or how can I
> can I do more depth analyses?
> Thanks in advice,
> Christian

Christian Schneider

Computer Scientist

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