Thanks. That is what I meant by A. So the doc is a bit misleading. Probably
"Maximum number of instances to be updated...." is clearer.

On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 2:11 PM, Joshua Cohen <> wrote:

> It's C: batch_size is the number of instances that can be updated at a
> given time.
> There's no direct relation between batch size and total number of
> shards/instances. E.g. for a job with 100 instances and a batch size of 10,
> at most 10 instances will be updating at a given time. If it turns out that
> all instances finish updating at exactly the same time, then it would take
> 10 batches to complete the update. However, the more likely scenario is
> that due to scheduling delays, startup times, etc., updates from the
> initial batch will complete at staggered intervals. As individual instances
> complete their update, additional instances will begin their updates to
> keep the number of instances currently updating at batch_size.
> Does that make sense?
> On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 4:01 PM, Mohit Jaggi <> wrote:
>> Folks,
>> Does the following doc mean A or B?
>> *A*: batch_size is the number of instances in a given shard
>> *B:* batch_size is the number of shards. So every batch has (number of
>> instances)/(batch_size) tasks.
>> Mohit.
>> UpdateConfig Objects
>> Parameters for controlling the rate and policy of rolling updates.
>> objecttypedescription
>> batch_size Integer Maximum number of shards to be updated in one
>> iteration (Default: 1)

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