Command line params on Aurora and Mesos control this. The "config
file" for this may depend on how your cluster is managed. It can be in
puppet manifest, for example. See below for the parameters. Docs are and

On Aurora:

-min_offer_hold_time (default (5, mins))
    Minimum amount of time to hold a resource offer before declining

-offer_filter_duration (default (5, secs))
    Duration after which we expect Mesos to re-offer unused resources.
A short duration improves scheduling performance in smaller clusters,
but might lead to resource starvation for other frameworks if you run
many frameworks in your cluster.
-offer_hold_jitter_window (default (1, mins))
    Maximum amount of random jitter to add to the offer hold time window.

On Mesos:
--offer_timeout=VALUE Duration of time before an offer is rescinded from a
framework. This helps fairness when running frameworks that hold on to
offers, or frameworks that accidentally drop offers. If not set, offers do
not timeout.

On Sat, Nov 25, 2017 at 7:49 PM, bigggyan <> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I am using Aurora along with other in-house frameworks and could see
> Aurora is holding resource offers for 3 mins which put other frameworks in
> starvation. Can anyone please suggest where to make the configuration
> changes to reduce the time? If possible please specify the config file
> location where I can make changes to change the parameter.
> Thanks
> Biggyan

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