Corruption can occur in I/O busses and RAM.  Does this tend to fail on the same 
nodes, or any node randomly?  Since it does not fail consistently, this makes 
me suspect some sort of corruption even more.

I suggest turning on stack traces for fatal throwables.  This shouldn't hurt 
production performance since they don't happen regularly and break the task 

Of the heap dumps seen so far, the primary consumption is byte[] and no more 
than 300MB.  How large are your java heaps?

On 6/10/11 10:53 AM, "ey-chih chow" 
<<>> wrote:

Since this was in production, we did not turn on stack trace.  Also, it was 
highly unlikely that there was any data corrupted because, if one mapper failed 
due to out of memory, the system started another one and went through all the 

Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 17:43:02 -0700
Subject: Re: avro object reuse

If the exception is happening while decoding, it could be due to corrupt data. 
Avro allocates a List preallocated to the size encoded, and I've seen corrupted 
data cause attempted allocations of arrays too large for the heap.

On 6/9/11 4:58 PM, "Scott Carey" 
<<>> wrote:

What is the stack trace on the out of memory exception?

On 6/9/11 4:45 PM, "ey-chih chow" 
<<>> wrote:

We configure more than 100MB for MapReduce to do sorting.  Memory we allocate 
for doing other things in the mapper actually is larger, but, for this job, we 
always get out-of-meory exceptions and the job can not complete.  We try to 
find out if there is a way to avoid this problem.

Ey-Chih Chow

Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 15:42:10 -0700
Subject: Re: avro object reuse

The most likely candidate for creating many instances of BufferAccessor and 
ByteArrayByteSource is and BinaryData.hashCode().  Each 
call will create one of each (hash) or two of each (compare).  These are only 
32 bytes per instance and quickly become garbage that is easily cleaned up by 
the GC.

The below have only 32 bytes each and 8MB total.
On the other hand,  the byte[]'s appear to be about 24K each on average and are 
using 100MB.  Is this the size of your configured MapReduce sort MB?

On 6/9/11 3:08 PM, "ey-chih chow" 
<<>> wrote:

We did more monitoring.  At one instance, we got the following histogram via 
Jmap.  The question is why there are so many instances of 
BinaryDecoder$BufferAccessor and BinaryDecoder$ByteArrayByteSource.  How to 
avoid this?  Thanks.

Object Histogram:

num       #instances    #bytes  Class description
1:              4199    100241168       byte[]
2:              272948  8734336$BufferAccessor
3:              272945  8734240$ByteArrayByteSource
4:              2093    5387976 int[]
5:              23762   2822864 * ConstMethodKlass
6:              23762   1904760 * MethodKlass
7:              39295   1688992 * SymbolKlass
8:              2127    1216976 * ConstantPoolKlass
9:              2127    882760  * InstanceKlassKlass
10:             1847    742936  * ConstantPoolCacheKlass
11:             9602    715608  char[]
12:             1072    299584  * MethodDataKlass
13:             9698    232752  java.lang.String
14:             2317    222432  java.lang.Class
15:             3288    204440  short[]
16:             3167    156664  * System ObjArray
17:             2401    57624   java.util.HashMap$Entry
18:             666     53280   java.lang.reflect.Method
19:             161     52808   * ObjArrayKlassKlass
20:             1808    43392   java.util.Hashtable$Entry

Subject: RE: avro object reuse
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2011 15:14:03 -0700

We use a lot of toString() call on the avro Utf8 object.  Will this cause 
Jackson call?  Thanks.


Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2011 13:38:39 -0700
Subject: Re: avro object reuse

This is great info.

Jackson should only be used once when the file is opened, so this is confusing 
from that point of view.
Is something else using Jackson or initializing an Avro JsonDecoder frequently? 
 There are over 100000 Jackson DeserializationConfig objects.

Another place that parses the schema is in  Does the 
Hadoop getDeserializer() API method get called once per job, or per record?  If 
this is called more than once per map job, it might explain this.

In principle, Jackson is only used by a mapper during initialization.  The 
below indicates that this may not be the case or that something outside of Avro 
is causing a lot of Jackson JSON parsing.

Are you using something that is converting the Avro data to Json form?  
toString() on most Avro datum objects will do a lot of work with Jackson, for 
example — but the below are deserializer objects not serializer objects so that 
is not likely the issue.

On 6/1/11 11:34 AM, "ey-chih chow" 
<<>> wrote:

We ran jmap on one of our mapper and found the top usage as follows:

num  #instances #bytes Class description
1: 24405 291733256 byte[]
2: 6056 40228984 int[]
3: 388799 19966776 char[]
4: 101779 16284640 org.codehaus.jackson.impl.ReaderBasedParser
5: 369623 11827936 java.lang.String
6: 111059 8769424 java.util.HashMap$Entry[]
7: 204083 8163320 org.codehaus.jackson.impl.JsonReadContext
8: 211374 6763968 java.util.HashMap$Entry
9: 102551 5742856 org.codehaus.jackson.util.TextBuffer
10: 105854 5080992 java.nio.HeapByteBuffer
11: 105821 5079408 java.nio.HeapCharBuffer
12: 104578 5019744 java.util.HashMap
13: 102551 4922448
14: 101782 4885536
15: 101783 4071320 org.codehaus.jackson.sym.CharsToNameCanonicalizer
16: 101779 4071160
17: 101779 4071160
18: 101754 4070160 java.util.HashMap$KeyIterator

It looks like Jackson eats up a lot of memory.  Our mapper reads in files of 
the avro format.  Does avro use Jackson a lot in reading the avro files?  Is 
there any way to improve this?  Thanks.

Ey-Chih Chow

Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 18:26:23 -0700
Subject: Re: avro object reuse

All of those instances are short-lived.   If you are running out of memory, its 
not likely due to object reuse.  This tends to cause more CPU time in the 
garbage collector, but not out of memory conditions.  This can be hard to do on 
a cluster, but grabbing 'jmap –histo' output from a JVM that has a 
larger-than-expected JVM heap usage can often be used to quickly identify the 
cause of memory consumption issues.

I'm not sure if AvroUtf8InputFormat can safely re-use its instances of Utf8 or 

On 5/31/11 5:40 PM, "ey-chih chow" 
<<>> wrote:

I actually looked into Avro code to find out how Avro does object reuse.  I 
looked at AvroUtf8InputFormat and got the following question.  Why a new Utf8 
object has to be created each time the method next(AvroWrapper<Utf8> key, 
NullWritable value) is called ?  Will this eat up too much memory when we call 
next(key, value) many times?  Since Utf8 is mutable, can we just create one 
Utf8 object for all the calls to next(key, value)?  Will this save memory?  

Ey-Chih Chow

Subject: avro object reuse
Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 10:38:39 -0700


We have several mapreduce jobs using avro.  They take too much memory when 
running on production.  Can anybody suggest some object reuse techniques to cut 
down memory usage?  Thanks.

Ey-Chih Chow

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