I just got access from Jeff to Avro at RubyGems.org and uploaded the
1.5.4 release.


I'll make this a part of the release procedure from now on.


On 09/15/2011 11:34 PM, Jeremy Hinegardner wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 10:34:11AM -0500, Jeff Hansen wrote:
>> I tried installing Avro with ruby last night and kept getting an error
>> that it requires 'md5'.  As of ruby-1.9 I think you have to require
>> 'digest/md5' instead of 'md5' and a quick google search took me to
>> JIRA avro-787 which makes it look to me like this was fixed.  However
>> as best I can tell, that was for version 1.5.0 and the gem that's
>> available on rubygems is still back at version 1.3.3 -- Is there a
>> later release that's 1.9 compatible which is also stable?  If so, is
>> it packaged and distributed somewhere?  Or do I have to install it
>> from the source.  If not, do I just have to stick with Ruby 1.8.7 for
>> Avro?
> It looks like the gem is created as part of the build, but it is not pushed to
> rubygems.  http://www.apache.org/dist/avro/avro-1.5.4/ruby/
> I sent an email jmhodges who is the owner of avro on rubygems asking if he was
> going to keep it up to date with releases from apache. Unfortunately I have 
> yet
> to hear back. 
> If anyone can get a hold of Jeff Hodges and have him coordinate with the avro
> release team that would be most helpful.
> enjoy,
> -jeremy

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