Hi Nanda,

If you are in a java environment you can test this and similar scenarios in a 
JUnit test using the Schema.Parser object. Here's an example:

    public void testNestedRecordFromString() {
        String json = "{\"type\" : \"record\",\"name\": \"TYPE_A\",\"fields\" : 
                + "[{\"name\": \"one\", \"type\": {\"type\": \"record\", 
\"name\": \"TYPE_B\",\"fields\" : "
                + "[ {\"name\" : \"inside_one\",\"type\" : \"string\"}]}}]}";
        Schema schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(json);

This should be OK in avro (the test above is positive for me), but will not 
work with the Avro storage package for pig (see the limitations described here: 


> From: nanda <gaurav...@gmail.com>
>To: user@avro.apache.org 
>Sent: Monday, December 5, 2011 12:45 PM
>Subject: Records inside records
>Is it possible to generate following kind of data object:
>'type' : 'record',
>'name': 'TYPE_A',
>'fields' : [
>       {'name': 'one', 'type': {'type': 'record', 'name': 'TYPE_B',
>'fields' : [ {'name' : 'inside_one',
>                          'type' : 'string}
>                        ]
>                   }}
>      ]
>Basically my requirement is to send timely updates from server to
>clients(in various language), which might look something like(Dynamic
>{'field_1' : value_1_type_int,
>'field_2' : value_2_type_string,
>'field_3' : {'field_4' : value_4_long, 'field_5' : {another map..}}
>Why I am inclined to use avro is because I never know in advance what is
>the message structure of an update going to be, it can be any number of
>fields with any amount of nestedness. 
>'Record' seems to be a viable option here, but not sure how I can use
>nested structure here.
>Could someone please help here.
>Gaurav Nanda

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