On 1/12/12 12:35 PM, "Frank Grimes" <frankgrime...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So I decided to try writing my own AvroStreamCombiner utility and it seems to
> choke when passing multiple input files:
>> hadoop dfs -cat hdfs://hadoop/machine1.log.avro
>> hdfs://hadoop/machine2.log.avro | ./deliveryLogAvroStreamCombiner.sh >
>> combined.log.avro
>> Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: Invalid sync!
>> at org.apache.avro.file.DataFileStream.nextRawBlock(DataFileStream.java:293)
>> at org.apache.avro.file.DataFileWriter.appendAllFrom(DataFileWriter.java:329)
>> at DeliveryLogAvroStreamCombiner.main(Unknown Source)
> Here's the code in question:
> public class DeliveryLogAvroStreamCombiner {
> /**
>  * @param args
>  */
> public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
> DataFileStream<DeliveryLogEvent> dfs = null;
> DataFileWriter<DeliveryLogEvent> dfw = null;
> try {
> dfs = new DataFileStream<DeliveryLogEvent>(System.in, new
> SpecificDatumReader<DeliveryLogEvent>());
> OutputStream stdout = System.out;
> dfw = new DataFileWriter<DeliveryLogEvent>(new
> SpecificDatumWriter<DeliveryLogEvent>());
> dfw.setCodec(CodecFactory.deflateCodec(9));
> dfw.setSyncInterval(1024 * 256);
> dfw.create(DeliveryLogEvent.SCHEMA$, stdout);
> dfw.appendAllFrom(dfs, false);

dfs is from System.in, which has multiple files one after the other.  Each
file will need its own DataFileStream (has its own header and metadata).

In Java you could get the list of files, and for each file use HDFS's API to
open the file stream, and append that to your one file.
In bash you could loop over all the source files and append one at a time
(the above fails on the second file).  However, in order to append to the
end of a pre-existing file the only API now takes a File, not a seekable
stream, so Avro would need a patch to allow that in HDFS (also, only an HDFS
version that supports appends would work).

Other things of note:
You will probably get better total file size compression by using a larger
sync interval (1M to 4 M) than deflate level 9.  Deflate 9 is VERY slow and
almost never compresses more than 1% better than deflate 6, which is much
faster.  I suggest experimenting with the 'recodec' option on some of your
files to see what the best size / performance tradeoff is.  I doubt that
256K (pre-compression) blocks with level 9 compression is the way to go.

For reference: http://tukaani.org/lzma/benchmarks.html
(gzip uses deflate compression)


> }
> finally {
> if (dfs != null) try {dfs.close();} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
> if (dfw != null) try {dfw.close();} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
> }
> }
> }
> Is there any way this could be made to work without needing to download the
> individual files to disk and calling append for each of them?
> Thanks,
> Frank Grimes
> On 2012-01-12, at 2:24 PM, Frank Grimes wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> If I have a map-only job, would I want only one mapper running to pull all
>> the records from the source input files and stream/append them to the target
>> avro file?
>> Would that be no different (or more efficient) than doing "hadoop dfs -cat
>> file1 file2 file3" and piping the output to append to a "hadoop dfs -put
>> combinedFile"?
>> In that case, my only question is how would I combine the avro files into a
>> new file without deserializing them?
>> Thanks,
>> Frank Grimes
>> On 2012-01-12, at 1:14 PM, Scott Carey wrote:
>>> On 1/12/12 8:27 AM, "Frank Grimes" <frankgrime...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> We have Avro data files in HDFS which are compressed using the Deflate
>>>> codec.
>>>> We have written an M/R job using the Avro Mapred API to combine those
>>>> files.
>>>> It seems to be working fine, however when we run it we notice that the
>>>> temporary work area (spills, etc) seem to be uncompressed.
>>>> We're thinking we might see a speedup due to reduced I/O if the temporary
>>>> files are compressed as well.
>>> If all you want to do is combine the files, there is no reason to
>>> deserialize and reserialize the contents, and a map-only job could suffice.
>>> If this is the case, you might want to consider one of two optoins:
>>> 1.  Use a map only job, with a combined file input.  This will produce one
>>> file per mapper and no intermediate data.
>>> 2.  Use the Avro data file API to append to a file.  I am not sure if this
>>> will work with HDFS without some modifications to Avro, but it should be
>>> possible since the data file APIs can take InputStream/OutputStream.  The
>>> data file API has the ability to append data blocks from the file if the
>>> schemas are an exact match.  This can be done without deserialization, and
>>> optionally can change the compression level or leave it alone.
>>>> Is there a way to enable "mapred.compress.map.output" in such a way that
>>>> those temporary files are compressed as Avro/Deflate?
>>>> I tried simply setting conf.setBoolean("mapred.compress.map.output", true);
>>>> but it didn't seem to have any effect.
>>> I am not sure, as I haven't tried it myself.  However, the Avro M/R should
>>> be able to leverage all of the Hadoop compressed intermediate forms.
>>> LZO/Snappy are fast and in our cluster Snappy is the default.  Deflate can
>>> be a lot slower but much more compact.
>>>> Note that in order to avoid unnecessary sorting overhead, I made each key a
>>>> constant (1L) so that the logs are combined but ordering isn't necessarily
>>>> preserved. (we don't care about ordering)
>>> In that case, I think you can use a map only job.  There may be some work to
>>> get a single mapper to read many files however.
>>>> FYI, here are my mapper and reducer.
>>>> public static class AvroReachMapper extends AvroMapper<DeliveryLogEvent,
>>>> Pair<Long, DeliveryLogEvent>> {
>>>> public void map(DeliveryLogEvent levent, AvroCollector<Pair<Long,
>>>> DeliveryLogEvent>> collector, Reporter reporter)
>>>> throws IOException {
>>>> collector.collect(new Pair<Long, DeliveryLogEvent>(1L, levent));
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> public static class Reduce extends AvroReducer<Long, DeliveryLogEvent,
>>>> DeliveryLogEvent> {
>>>> @Override
>>>> public void reduce(Long key, Iterable<DeliveryLogEvent> values,
>>>> AvroCollector<DeliveryLogEvent> collector, Reporter reporter)
>>>> throws IOException {
>>>> for (DeliveryLogEvent event : values) {
>>>> collector.collect(event);
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> AvroJob.setInputSchema(conf, DeliveryLogEvent.SCHEMA$);
>>>> AvroJob.setMapperClass(conf, Mapper.class);
>>>> AvroJob.setMapOutputSchema(conf, SCHEMA);
>>>> AvroJob.setOutputSchema(conf, DeliveryLogEvent.SCHEMA$);
>>>> AvroJob.setOutputCodec(conf, DataFileConstants.DEFLATE_CODEC);
>>>> AvroOutputFormat.setDeflateLevel(conf, 9);
>>>> AvroOutputFormat.setSyncInterval(conf, 1024 * 256);
>>>> AvroJob.setReducerClass(conf, Reducer.class);
>>>> JobClient.runJob(conf);
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Frank Grimes

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