
A simple hack would be this:

Write up a simple driver class as you would for regular, non-Oozie MR
code, configure your avro job as normal, and then instead of having
the submit API bits at the end, try:


This will give you a simple job config XML dump with the configs avro
has put in, and you can now port them into your <map-reduce> action as
config elements/etc.. Should be fairly trivial to port.

Will this work for you?

Please do share a template MR avro job workflow on the list if you've
got one in the end, in spirit of :)

(Hat tip to Alejandro from Oozie for the tip)

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 1:06 AM, Frank Grimes <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> We're trying to evaluate using Oozie ( to
> run Hadoop MapReduce jobs over Avro data.
> As far as I can tell, Oozie configures the JobConf it submits to Hadoop
> based on external config files.
> see e.g.
> I'm wondering if anybody out there has an example of how to setup/run an
> Avro MapReduce job without relying on the AvroJob.set* helper methods.
> Or better yet, an Oozie example of the same.
> Thanks,
> Frank Grimes

Harsh J
Customer Ops. Engineer, Cloudera

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