
At the moment I'm trying to use the following Avro schema:

When I try to parse the schema,  it's throwing an error because of the
duplicate record name "configData" (Error: can't redefine: "configData")
contained in multiple different records.  As you can see these names are
nested inside of other fields/records, so I wasn't expecting there to be a
collision of the record names defined at different levels.

I am constructing this overall Avro schema from a number of smaller schemas
("FOO", "BAR" being examples) which are map types and need to be nullable,
which is why I tried to define them as union ["null", {type: map }].

Is there any way to preserve the original names of the records (eg.
configData) in this particular design, or do I need to redefine the record
names of each individual object to avoid collisions?

Using Avro 1.5.4 at the moment.


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