Hi Russel,

thanks for pointing out the python lib. I created a little converter script 
that reads in json using json.loads and writes the resulting object to avro 
using a specific schema. (Or does the lib already contain such a converter and 
I just missed it?)

Thanks for the help,


Am 19.09.2012 um 01:18 schrieb Russell Jurney:

> Fwiw, I do this in web apps all the time via the python avro lib and 
> json.dumps
> Russell Jurney
> twitter.com/rjurney
> russell.jur...@gmail.com
> datasyndrome.com
> On Sep 18, 2012, at 12:38 PM, Doug Cutting <cutt...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Markus Strickler <mar...@braindump.ms> 
>> wrote:
>>> Json.Writer is indeed what I had in mind and I have successfully managed to 
>>> convert my existing JSON to avro using it.
>>> However using GenericDatumReader on this feels pretty unnatural, as I seem 
>>> to be unable to access fields directly. It seems I have to access the 
>>> "value" field on each record which returns a Map which uses Utf8 Objects as 
>>> keys for the actual fields. Or am I doing something wrong here?
>> Hmm.  We could re-factor Json.SCHEMA so the union is the top-level
>> element.  That would get rid of the wrapper around every value.  It's
>> a more redundant way to write the schema, but the binary encoding is
>> identical (since a record wrapper adds no bytes).  It would hence
>> require no changes to Json.Reader or Json.Writer.
>> [ "long",
>> "double",
>> "string",
>> "boolean",
>> "null",
>> {"type" : "array",
>>  "items" : {
>>      "type" : "record",
>>      "name" : "org.apache.avro.data.Json",
>>      "fields" : [ {
>>          "name" : "value",
>>          "type" : [ "long", "double", "string", "boolean", "null",
>>                     {"type" : "array", "items" : "Json"},
>>                     {"type" : "map", "values" : "Json"}
>>                   ]
>>      } ]
>>  }
>> },
>> {"type" : "map", "values" : "Json"}
>> ]
>> You can try this by placing this schema in
>> share/schemas/org/apache/avro/data/Json.avsc and re-building the avro
>> jar.
>> Would such a change be useful to you?  If so, please file an issue in Jira.
>> Or we could even refactor this schema so that a Json object is the
>> top-level structure:
>> {"type" : "map",
>> "values" : [ "long",
>>             "double",
>>             "string",
>>             "boolean",
>>             "null",
>>             {"type" : "array",
>>              "items" : {
>>                  "type" : "record",
>>                  "name" : "org.apache.avro.data.Json",
>>                  "fields" : [ {
>>                      "name" : "value",
>>                      "type" : [ "long", "double", "string", "boolean", 
>> "null",
>>                                 {"type" : "array", "items" : "Json"},
>>                                 {"type" : "map", "values" : "Json"}
>>                               ]
>>                  } ]
>>              }
>>             },
>>             {"type" : "map", "values" : "Json"}
>>           ]
>> }
>> This would change the binary format but would not change the
>> representation that GenericDatumReader would hand you from my first
>> example above (since the generic representation unwraps unions).
>> Using this schema would require changes to Json.Writer and
>> Json.Reader.  It would better conform to the definition of Json, which
>> only permits objects as the top-level type.
>>> Concerning the more specific schema, you are of course completely right. 
>>> Unfortunately more or less all the fields in the JSON data format are 
>>> optional and many have substructures, so, at least in my understanding, I 
>>> have to use unions of null and the actual type throughout the schema. I 
>>> tried using JsonDecoder first (or rather the fromjson option of the avro 
>>> tool, which, I think, uses JsonDecoder) but given the current JSON 
>>> structures, this didn't work.
>>> So I'll probably have to look into implementing my own converter.  However 
>>> given the rather complex structure of the original JSON I'm wondering if 
>>> trying to represent the data in avro is such a good idea in the first place.
>> It would be interesting to see whether, with the appropriate schema,
>> whether the dataset is smaller and faster to process as Avro than as
>> Json.  If you have 1000 fields in your data but the typical record
>> only has one or two non-null, then an Avro record is perhaps not a
>> good representation.  An Avro map might be better, but if the values
>> are similarly variable then Json might be competitive.
>> Cheers,
>> Doug

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