I am not using maven. What's the underlying Avro api being used?



On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 12:42 AM, ÐΞ€ρ@Ҝ (๏̯͡๏) <deepuj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If yours is a Maven project.
> How about using this ?
> <plugin>
> <groupId>org.apache.avro</groupId>
> <artifactId>avro-maven-plugin</artifactId>
> <version>1.7.5</version>
> <executions>
> <execution>
> <phase>generate-sources</phase>
> <goals>
> <goal>schema</goal>
> </goals>
> <configuration>
> <sourceDirectory>${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/avro/</
> sourceDirectory>
> </configuration>
> </execution>
> </executions>
> </plugin>
> Regards,
> Deepak
> On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 12:36 AM, Jun Rao <jun...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We have a bunch of avro schema files and want to generate specific record
>> for each. All schema files exist in a directory called X. Those schema
>> files may reference some common schemas defined in another directory called
>> Y. So far, we have been using some of the internal apis such as
>> Schema.parse(JsonNode schema, Names names) to achieve this. Is there an
>> easy way to achieve this using the public apis?
>> Thanks,
>> Jun
> --
> Deepak

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