Could you share the write code ?

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 2:03 PM, amit nanda <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Avro files i am creating have around 3 Million records in them, but i have
> seen situation where while writing my disk space fills up completely, i
> this case i don't get any errors from the library, and it continues without
> actually writing anything and either reporting, thus i am losing data in
> that file, and subsequent file are created of 0KB.
> I am using avro_file_writer_create_with_codec*, 
> *avro_file_writer_append_value,
> avro_file_writer_close API's. Is there a way that one of these API of some
> other API report about 100% disk usage.
> Thanks
> Amit


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