I commented on the issue.  C# RPC is not supported in Avro 1.7.5, but
will be in Avro 1.7.6.


On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 12:27 PM, Sid Shetye <sid...@outlook.com> wrote:
> I had filed a bug (Avrogen doesn't create the RPC methods from .avrp files)
> on the morning of Dec 31st before calling it an early day . Understandably
> nobody else looked at the bug over the new year but I just checked today and
> it’s still stagnant.
> I have been spoilt by support seen on commercial products yet fully
> understand this is a FOSS project. Question is : What should be my
> expectations on when this bug will be looked at? It’s pretty critical since
> the entire RPC aspect of Avro is broken on C#
> Thanks
> Sid

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