It might work, I'd have to test it to be sure.  But it's not guaranteed.

Avro names are specified at:

Avro Java accepts more than this, including arbitrary unicode
alphabetic characters.

See for an extensive discussion.


On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 2:45 PM, Pritchard, Charles X. -ND
<> wrote:
> On Jan 14, 2014, at 2:32 PM, Doug Cutting <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 2:06 PM, Pritchard, Charles X. -ND
>> <> wrote:
>>> Do I just pop the “original” field name in as an alias and use the “safe”
>>> (alphanumeric+underscore) one as the primary name?
>> you have Avro data with names that are illegal in Hive then you could
>> provide Hive with a safely-named schema to use when reading these that
>> has the original name as an alias.  Conversely, if Hive writes data
>> with the "safe" name that you want to read as data using the original
>> name, then you'd read with the safe name in an alias.  Does that make
>> sense?
> Yes; so we just flop the alias/original name between Hive and other sources.
> Really appreciate the clarification there.
> One of the common places this comes up is with hyphens such as: “X-Something” 
> in some JSON schemas.
> Thanks for letting me know how to handle this.
> On that same topic though — if/when someone does something really awful, like 
> using a dot in the key name,
> is that still going to work out fine with record.get() syntax?
> e.g.: { “key”: “val”, “dotted.key”: “val” }
> I know that in the context of avro aliases, the dot has special semantics.
> (I hope I’m not being too obtuse).
> -Charles

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