
Per the documentation on the Cloudera site here:


I've been using Avro 1.7.3 with my version of CDH 4.5.0 and can't figure
out how to completely customize the output name and path.

In 1.7.5 it looks like you can specify a new basePath (and I'm assuming
filename) in the reducer using the call

AvroMultipleOutputs.collect(namedOutput, reporter, schema, datum,
> baseOutputPath)

Unfortunately 1.7.3 does not have this method.  Does anyone have an example
of using AvroMultipleOutputs in Avro 1.7.3 to write to different files in
different directories from the Reducer?

The closest I've gotten so far is to have a different files show up in the
same directory where the name is based on the namedOutput value.  For
example if I make the call:

amos.getCollector("logdata1", reporter).collect(log); //amos is the
> AvroMultipleOutputs object

I end up with a file in my job output directory called

Is it possible to customize beyond this?  Specifically, I'd like to set the
output file to be in a different directory using Avro 1.7.3.

Thank you!

Best Regards,


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