We are using Avro heavily for schema definition of all of the events sent
through our distributed system.
The system is a multi service, java based, SaaS system, where the services
upgraded a lot and in no particular order.
We are using Enums in some events data and from time to time a new Enum
value is added.
In this case we started having problems.
A producer produce an event with the new enum value, A consumer using old
schema tries to read the event using java SpecificDatumReader will
completely fail to read the event .
These events will not be handled by the consumer until it is upgraded to
use the new schema generated code.

Problem is Avro code generation creates a real java enum, and there is no
way to initialize or represent an unknown enum value in a java enum.
However in many cases the consumer could still be doing most of its logic
with the event with unknown enum value.

Handling enums in Avro is a powerful tool, specificDatumReader is a
powerful tool, it looks like I'd have to give up usage of one of them!

Is there any plan/way to handle enums differently in the code generation?
Any other ideas I can fix this issue with?
I believe AVRO-1340 reference the same problem, any plans on doing it?
I would go a step further and allow dynamic access to the original value,
not just a default value in case enum value is unknown.


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