I found Deepesh's question back in December. I have joined the mailing list later. So don't have the message in my inbox and I do not know the proper way to reply. Anyway I have include the original message below.

I have the similar issue. In addition I'm interested to find out about Python and Node js library support.

From what I understand, the avro specification requires avro.schema. So I am quite unsure of the status of have the schema in an external repository.

- avro.schema contains the schema of objects stored in the file, as JSON data (required).


Wai Yip

From    Deepesh Malviya <deep0...@gmail.com>
Subject    Schema exclusion from Avro message
Date    Sun, 15 Dec 2013 12:58:18 GMT

I have read at multiple places that we can exclude the schema being packed
into the Avro message & can only include version to allow schema lookup. I
have also looked into
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AVRO-1124however, didn't found
how to make use of such repository while reading or
writing Avro messages.

I just need some heads up related to that to get started. My use-case is of
sending Avro message from a C-based avro client to Flume/Kafka & finally
storing it to Hadoop.


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