Try installing Homebrew ( and then doing `brew install snappy`. 
That will put libsnappy in /usr/local/lib.


On 4 Apr 2014, at 11:51, Lenin Raj 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Martin,

I have installed the avro version 17.6 by applying the patch directly. But to 
use the python server, I need to install  "libsnappy-dev" in Mac OS as per Do you know how to install this 
library in Mac OS? or is there an alternate way to setup a python RPC server 
using Avro?


On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 2:31 AM, Martin Kleppmann 
<<>> wrote:
This bug is really unfortunate :(

The easiest workaround is to just install an older version: gem install avro 
--version 1.7.5

The only significant difference between the 1.7.5 and the 1.7.6 Rubygem is that 
the JSON dependency was switched from yajl to multi_json. If you can live with 
yajl for now, 1.7.5 should work fine for you.


On 1 Apr 2014, at 21:07, Lenin Raj 
<<>> wrote:
I installed it by applying the patch.

Went to lang/ruby/ and modified Rakefile as:

p.runtime_dependencies = %w[multi-json] to p.runtime_dependencies = 

and `sudo rake install`

I am able to do RPC using Ruby server/client. I want a python server actually. 
In the repo, there is lib named 
"libsnappy-dev". Does anybody know its equivalent for Mac OS?


On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 1:19 AM, Lenin Raj 
<<>> wrote:
Hi All,

I was trying to install the avro gem and got an error saying,

ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::UnsatisfiableDependencyError)
    Unable to resolve dependency: avro (= 1.7.6) requires multi-json (>= 0)

I learnt that, this was fixed in 1.7.7 
( but the gem 
page( still shows 1.7.6. When do we get the 
latest version? or How can build the gem locally by applying the patch?


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