What is raw binary format?

Sachin Goyal wrote:

Hi Mohan,

Did you try Avro-Tools ?


From: mohan kumar Muddana<mohanj...@gmail.com<mailto:mohanj...@gmail.com>>
Reply-To: "user@avro.apache.org<mailto:user@avro.apache.org>"<user@avro.apache.org<mailto:user@avro.apache.org>>
Date: Friday, June 13, 2014 at 2:56 AM
To: "user@avro.apache.org<mailto:user@avro.apache.org>"<user@avro.apache.org<mailto:user@avro.apache.org>>
Subject: Avro binary format to raw binary format

Tried to search the archives, but couldn't find good answer.
Just wanted to know is there any way to convert avro binary data which is converted from json to raw binary format. And also raw binary format to avro binary format.
Will the decoder classes present work.

Thanks in advance

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