Avro currently requires Jackson 1.x.  Jackson 2.x has an incompatible
API in a different package.  The two versions of Jackson do not
conflict so both may be used within a single application.

Whether & when to eventually upgrade Avro to use Jackson 2.x is discussed in:



On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 9:41 AM, Casadio Phaedra
<phaedra.casa...@datamanagementpa.it> wrote:
> After compiling my schema to java, i’ve this error in class files:
> The type org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser cannot be resolved. It is
> indirectly referenced from required .class files
> In my project i’ve last Jackson version 2.4.1, seems that avro is using a
> real old one?
> Also in generated bean i’ve found some deprecations, it’s normal?
> Thanks Phaedra.

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