Hi all, 

I have a couple of questions - I have read through some related discussions on 
the list and also through the code, so this is mainly to confirm my thinking.

Is there any capability, or is anyone aware of work on the ability to multiplex 
protocols to avoid the use of one port per protocol (for most transports)?  An 
example could be an application that allows additional RPC services to be 
included by a plugin mechanism.  Right now it looks like the answer is no, 
however I did see a suggested approach here for HTTP:  


Second question - is there any way for the service implementation to obtain 
information about the calling client, such as the hostname or some form of 
context from SASL?  The purpose is to verify that the client is who they say 
they are at each call, without having to resort to passing tokens in to every 
call (which is what I have seen suggested elsewhere).

Any thoughts are welcome.  I’m just starting to look at this so hopefully what 
I am asking makes sense.


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