According to the documentation:

avro::GenericDatum::GenericDatum        (       const 
 &    schema  )

Constructs a datum corresponding to the given avro type.

The value will the appropraite default corresponding to the data type.

schema  The schema that defines the avro type.

A GenericDatum when given a valid schema should have all its field fill with 
reasonable default. But it seems it is failing for union schema. I have a 
written the following piece of code which I input the script with a schema and 
then try to encode it and save the result in a file:

 14  avro::ValidSchema load(const char* filename)

 15  {

 16      std::ifstream ifs(filename);

 17      avro::ValidSchema result;

 18      avro::compileJsonSchema(ifs, result);

 19      return result;

 20  }


 22 int

 23 main(int argc, char ** argv)

 24 {

 25     avro::ValidSchema sch = load(argv[1]); // load a schema


 27     avro::GenericDatum metaDatum( sch );

 28     std::auto_ptr<avro::OutputStream> out = avro::fileOutputStream( 
argv[2], 1 ); // write the result to a specified file

 29     avro::EncoderPtr en = avro::jsonEncoder( sch );

 30     en->init ( *out );

 31     avro::encode ( *en, metaDatum );

 32     en->flush();


 34   return 0;

 35 }

Case and point:

[pnip =>avro_rhel6<= my_avro]$ cat union.schema

[ "bytes", "long”]

[pnip =>avro_rhel6<= my_avro]$ ./schemaTest union.schema /tmp/result

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'avro::Exception'

  what():  Not that many names


It seems to work on other schema types (have not check all yet) but failed on 
union type schema

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