On Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 9:20 PM, Lewis John Mcgibbney
<lewis.mcgibb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a possibility that someone can add material on how static the
> specification documentation is

Minor versions are meant to have back-compatible APIs and both back-
and forward-compatible data formats.  Since the specification
primarily concerns data formats, it's pretty stable.  In particular,
every schema since 1.0 can be parsed by every 1.x release and every
datum serialized since 1.0 should be readable by every 1.x release.
We broke this policy once, in 1.3, which incompatibly altered the Avro
file format.  I doubt we'll break it again.  Any further changes to
forward or backward data compatibility would require a 2.0 release.

> where people should go if they find
> something wrong/require more clarification about, etc.

You're there!

This information could be included in the specification.  My instinct
is to add it at the start, rather than the end, but I don't feel too
strongly about that.


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