He Guys,

i am currently using Avro C to serialize some data to the file. The program itsself is written in Python so i use Python Extensions and this implementation https://github.com/Byhiras/pyavroc. The problem is i need the file to be seekable. E.g. each datum i want to serialize has an ID , and i want to seek to that position and be able to read exactly that datum without having to parse across the whole file. In io.h of the Avro C are methods called avro_file_writer_sync and avro_writer_tell. I thought these might be used to write the data to the file after each datum and then return the current offset of the file so i know where each datums starts. But when i implemented this the function returned a constant value. Are these the right methods for doing this and my code is wrong or do i use the wrong methods?



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