This isn't an avro issue, it's to do with your use of 'valueOf'. You need
to check for null before you call it. More info's here.


On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 5:54 PM, Check Peck <> wrote:

> I am working with Avro and in my avro schema I have one field like this:
>      {
>         "name" : "userId",
>         "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
>         "doc" : "some doc"
>       },
> This is how I am extracting userId field from GenericRecord:
>     GenericRecord payload = decoder.decode(record.value());
>     String userid = String.valueOf(payload.get("userId"));
>     // sometimes userid comes as null string meaning like this "null"
>     System.out.println(Strings.isNullOrEmpty(userid));
> And because of that "null" string, my sysout prints out as false.  Is
> there any way to extract userid as null instead of "null" String?
> Bcoz when I check for null string it fails and if I have to accommodate
> this fix, I have to add extra check with ".equals" which I want to avoid if
> possible? Is there any way?

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