I believe this has already been implemented but not yet released.

It was implemented in:


This is slated to be included in the 1.8.2 release, which should soon be out.


On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 6:50 PM, Steve Sun <steve.j....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Nathan for your info and effort.
> I really appreciate it.
> Also, I posted the same question on Stackoverflow:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41969300/java-math-bigdecimal-to-avro-avdl-file,
> looks like we're not alone.
> Feel free to share your updates below that question as well to benefit more
> developers.
> Steve
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 8:14 AM, Nathan Fisher <nfis...@junctionbox.ca>
> wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> I'm seeing the same issue. I think you'll need to drop down to JSON. The
>> IDL appears to provide a subset of the Avro specification.
>> I've started mapping the gaps with the following record type:
>> enum YesNo { YES, NO }
>> fixed TWO(2);
>> record IdlHarness {
>>     // primitives
>>     boolean bool = true;
>>     int i = 0;
>>     int iN = null;
>>     long l = 0;
>>     long lN = null;
>>     float f = 0.1;
>>     float fN = 0.1;
>>     double d = 0.1;
>>     double dN = null;
>>     bytes b = "banana";
>>     bytes bN = null;
>>     string s = "s";
>>     string sN = null;
>>     // complex
>>     YesNo en = "YES";
>>     YesNo enN = null;
>>     array<int> a = [1];
>>     array<int> aN = null;
>>     map<int> m = { "hello": 1 };
>>     map<int> mN = null;
>>     union {null, string} un = "hello";
>>     union {null, string} unN = null;
>>     TWO fix = "12";
>>     TWO fixN = null;
>>     // logical
>>     // decimal dec; // error
>>     date dt = "2017-01-01";
>>     date dtN = null;
>>     // time-millis ms; // fails
>>     // time-micros us; // fails
>>     // timestamp-millis tsms; // fails
>>     // timestamp-micros tsus; // fails
>>     // duration du; // fails
>> }
>> I've put my results into the Google sheet below. It's still a work in
>> progress and I'll try to turn it into a JUnit test scenario.
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dQAyWbrD5PmHzMJ7sVovHBoZug6jlt_x_Htc7ixdbP8/edit?usp=sharing
>> Kind regards,
>> Nathan
>> On Wed, 1 Feb 2017 at 05:12 Steve Sun <steve.j....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Avro users mailing list,
>>> I'm having trouble writing an Avro schema for java.math.BigDecimal type,
>>> I tried the following:
>>> 1. Based on Avro official doc:
>>> https://avro.apache.org/docs/1.8.1/spec.html#Decimal, I know I need to
>>> define Logical Types myself to support BigDecimal, but that link gives
>>> example only in avsc, I'm trying to figure it out in avdl.
>>> 2. Based on Avro
>>> dochttps://avro.apache.org/docs/1.7.6/api/java/org/apache/avro/reflect/package-summary.html
>>> and this
>>> example:https://github.com/apache/avro/blob/master/share/test/schemas/stringables.avdl,
>>> I wrote below avdl:
>>>     @namespace("test")
>>>     protocol My_Protocol_v1 {
>>>       record BigDecimal {
>>>             @java-class("java.math.BigDecimal") string value;
>>>       }
>>> But it's not working:
>>> This IDL schema compiles fine and can generate a Java class called
>>> BigDecimal, but I cannot really use the generated BigDecimal as
>>> java.math.BigDecimal, what's wrong? or How should I do it?
>>> Thanks a lot
>>> Steve
>> --
>> - from my thumbs to your eyes

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