Hi again folks.

well, I've used an standard netty server to do one example with the avro
standard code, and I get the same error. I'm using the avro 1.7.7

I've attached the java code and also the json definition, which is based on
the example:

I get the error AvroRuntimeException but I think that should I get and

If there is way to get the exception as my Exception not the

Could you please take a look to the code?


El mar., 7 mar. 2017 a las 12:18, Arturo Candela (<fri...@gmail.com>)

> Hi Everybody.
> I'm getting a problem in the java client, instead of getting the
> AvroRemoteExcetiption, I'm getting an AvroRuntimeException.
> In the .net Server rpc part, I launch a ServerError (As defined on the
> json structure) but in the java client, I got an "AvroRuntimeException"
> The SpecificRequestor.java path is:
> @Override
>   public Exception readError(Schema writer, Schema reader, Decoder in)
>     throws IOException {
>     Object value = getDatumReader(writer, reader).read(null, in);
>     if (value instanceof Exception)
>       return (Exception)value;
>     return new AvroRuntimeException(value.toString());
>   }
> The problem is that result of getDatumReader is a string instead of the
> exception object. Both schemas are "string"
> I think the avro framework doesn't know my remote exception but I don't
> know why.
> Could you help me please?
> Regards.
> El lun., 6 mar. 2017 a las 17:48, Arturo Candela (<fri...@gmail.com>)
> escribió:
> Hi
> I've found the problem, it was my fault.
> Since Avro uses reflection, the unhandled exceptions by user code are
> threated by the debugger as "code" problems. So, if you disable the debug
> options: "Enable Just My Code" the debuging works.
> Regards
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2658908/why-is-targetinvocationexception-treated-as-uncaught-by-the-ide
> El lun., 6 mar. 2017 a las 17:13, Arturo Candela (<fri...@gmail.com>)
> escribió:
> Hi guys.
> I'm trying to implement the avro rpc 1.7.7 using a rabbitmq queue. I've
> more or less a version working and a java client can run remote remote
> methods and a c# server is who executes the method and returns the response
> to the client.
> I'm not able to return an error defined on the protocol, For example, If I
> have a mail server with the method send and an error which is called
> "ServerError", when I throw that error the server crashes because and
> unhandled exception, That is because I don't catch it.
> What I would like to know if there is another way to return the exception
> to the client or assure that I have a problem in my current implement
> Thank you in advance,
> Regards

Attachment: Main.java
Description: Binary data

Attachment: mail.avpr
Description: Binary data

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