Thanks a lot for the quick reply Ryan! That was exactly what I was looking
for :)

Been trying including the changes within my code and currently it's
throwing the following exception... Caused by:
org.apache.avro.AvroRuntimeException: Can't find element type of Collection

I'm thinking that it could be the POJO not containing the classes for the
inner record fields (I just have a getter and setter for the one_level
field but the rest are types of that one)? Or how should it be represented
within the parent POJO?

Sorry if the questions sound too simple, but I'm too used to work with
Parquet that Avro seems like a shift from time to time :)

El mar., 6 ago. 2019 a las 12:01, Ryan Skraba (<>) escribió:

> Hello -- Avro supports a map type:
> Generating an Avro schema from a JSON example can be ambiguous since a
> JSON object can either be converted to a record or a map.  You're
> probably looking for something like this:
> {
>   "type" : "record",
>   "name" : "MyClass",
>   "namespace" : "com.acme.avro",
>   "fields" : [ {
>     "name" : "one_level",
>     "type" : {
>       "type" : "record",
>       "name" : "one_level",
>       "fields" : [ {
>         "name" : "inner_level",
>         "type" : {
>           "type" : "map",
>           "values" : {
>             "type" : "record",
>             "name" : "sample",
>             "fields" : [ {
>               "name" : "sample1",
>               "type" : "string"
>             }, {
>               "name" : "sample2",
>               "type" : "string"
>             } ]
>           }
>         }
>       } ]
>     }
>   } ]
> }
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 10:47 AM Edgar H <> wrote:
> >
> > I'm trying to translate a schema that I have in Spark which is defined
> for Parquet, and I would like to use it within Avro too.
> >
> >   StructField("one_level", StructType(List(StructField(
> >     "inner_level",
> >     MapType(
> >       StringType,
> >       StructType(
> >         List(
> >           StructField("field1", StringType),
> >           StructField("field2", ArrayType(StringType))
> >         )
> >       )
> >     )
> >   )
> > )), nullable = false)
> >
> > However, in Avro I haven't seen any examples of Maps containing Record
> type objects...
> >
> > Tried a sample input with an online Avro schema generator, taking this
> input.
> >
> > {
> > "one_level": {
> >     "inner_level": {
> >         "sample1": {
> >             "field1": "sample",
> >             "field2": ["a", "b"],
> >         },
> >         "sample2": {
> >             "field1": "sample2",
> >             "field2": ["a", "b"]
> >         }
> >     }
> > }
> >
> > }
> >
> > It prompts this output.
> >
> >     {
> >   "name": "MyClass",
> >   "type": "record",
> >   "namespace": "com.acme.avro",
> >   "fields": [
> >     {
> >       "name": "one_level",
> >       "type": {
> >         "name": "one_level",
> >         "type": "record",
> >         "fields": [
> >           {
> >             "name": "inner_level",
> >             "type": {
> >               "name": "inner_level",
> >               "type": "record",
> >               "fields": [
> >                 {
> >                   "name": "sample1",
> >                   "type": {
> >                     "name": "sample1",
> >                     "type": "record",
> >                     "fields": [
> >                       {
> >                         "name": "field1",
> >                         "type": "string"
> >                       },
> >                       {
> >                         "name": "field2",
> >                         "type": {
> >                           "type": "array",
> >                           "items": "string"
> >                         }
> >                       }
> >                     ]
> >                   }
> >                 },
> >                 {
> >                   "name": "sample2",
> >                   "type": {
> >                     "name": "sample2",
> >                     "type": "record",
> >                     "fields": [
> >                       {
> >                         "name": "field1",
> >                         "type": "string"
> >                       },
> >                       {
> >                         "name": "field2",
> >                         "type": {
> >                           "type": "array",
> >                           "items": "string"
> >                         }
> >                       }
> >                     ]
> >                   }
> >                 }
> >               ]
> >             }
> >           }
> >         ]
> >       }
> >     }
> >   ]
> > }
> >
> > Which isn't absolutely what I'm looking for. Is it possible to define
> such schema in Avro?

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