The error suggests that you are attempt to parse a message encoded with 
TestRecordV1 and you use TestRecordV2 as writer schema instead of TestRecordV1.

make sure when you de-serialize an TestRecordV1 array into a TestRecordV2 
array, you initialize your Json decoder with the writer schema not the reader 

>  Decoder decoder = DECODER_FACTORY.jsonDecoder(readArrSchema writeArrSchema, 
> jsonArrayString);

hope it helps.


> On Dec 1, 2019, at 8:16 PM, Austin Cawley-Edwards <> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are trying to encode a list of records into JSON with one schema and then 
> decode the list into Avro objects with a compatible schema. The schema 
> resolution between the two schemas works for single records, but the 
> deserialization fails when the read schema differs from the write. 
> Deserialization works, however, when the same schema is used for both.
> When decoding, an exception is thrown:
> org.apache.avro.AvroTypeException: Attempt to process a item-end when a int 
> was expected.
> It seems like the decoder is not moving the proper number of bytes down to 
> read the next element.
> We encode like so:
> public static <T extends GenericRecord> String toJSONArrayString(List<T> 
> avroRecords, Schema schema) throws IOException {
>   if (avroRecords == null || avroRecords.isEmpty()) {
>     return "[]";
>   }
>   ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
>   Encoder encoder = ENCODER_FACTORY.jsonEncoder(Schema.createArray(schema), 
> baos);
>   DatumWriter<T> datumWriter = avroRecords.get(0) instanceof SpecificRecord
>       ? new SpecificDatumWriter<>(schema)
>       : new GenericDatumWriter<>(schema);
>   encoder.writeArrayStart();
>   encoder.setItemCount(avroRecords.size());
>   for (T record : avroRecords) {
>     encoder.startItem();
>     datumWriter.write(record, encoder);
>   }
>   encoder.writeArrayEnd();
>   encoder.flush();
>   return baos.toString();
> }
> And decode similarly:
> public static <T extends GenericRecord> List<T> fromJSONArrayString(String 
> jsonArrayString, Schema writeSchema, Schema readSchema) throws IOException {
>   Schema readArrSchema = Schema.createArray(readSchema);
>   Decoder decoder = DECODER_FACTORY.jsonDecoder(readArrSchema, 
> jsonArrayString);
>   DatumReader<T> datumReader;
>   if (writeSchema.equals(readSchema)) {
>     datumReader = new SpecificDatumReader<>(readSchema);
>   } else {
>     datumReader = new SpecificDatumReader<>(writeSchema, readSchema);
>   }
>   List<T> avroRecords = new ArrayList<>();
>   for (long i = decoder.readArrayStart(); i != 0; i = decoder.arrayNext()) {
>     for (long j = 0; j < i; j++) {
>       avroRecords.add(, decoder));
>     }
>   }
>   return avroRecords;
> }
> Our two schemas look like:
> {
>   "type": "record",
>   "name": "TestRecordV1",
>   "fields": [
>     {
>       "name": "text",
>       "type": "string"
>     }
>   ]
> }
> {
>   "type": "record",
>   "name": "TestRecordV2",
>   "fields": [
>     {
>       "name": "text",
>       "type": "string"
>     },
>     {
>       "name": "number",
>       "type": "int",
>       "default": 0
>     }
>   ]
> }
> Is there something simple we are missing or is it not possible to do schema 
> resolution dynamically on an entire array?
> Thank you!
> Austin

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